Monster trouble and Dream Terrors

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The group crawled through the vents, they had to crawl now since the vents got smaller.


I couldn't help but think about Shadow Six, was she even real? And did I actually make a deal? Well if I did make a deal then I hope my wishes do come true, wait I never even got to ask for anything. Maybe because the other kids snapped me out of it.


Six continued to think about the whole situation she got herself in.

The Vent creaked, making everybody stop.

"What was that?" Three said, concern in her voice.

"The Vent, it creaked... But I'm sure it's n-" Mono broke off from the sentence when the vent started to break off, before anybody could started moving the vent floor collapsed under them.

They all hit the ground with a thud, luckily they weren't extremely high up.

The Kids slowly got up, they looked around at their surroundings. They were at the higher level of the eye room, the one next to the play room.

They saw a door, it lead to the nursery. That was the place they met Seven.

Lucky for them, the door was still open.

No words had to be said, they knew where they had to go.

The Kids snuck into the Nursery, kids were still sleeping. The group immediately hid under the bed, it was pretty
cramped under the bed because of how many of them were under the bed. But they had to stay under there, they had to hide because...

The Janitor walked in, this time from the door they came through. He felt the beds to make sure the children were still there and left.

They snuck out the nursery and into the next room.

They were in a cafeteria now.

(I'm not making Six hungry since she already went through this room, therefore there's no food. And I'm not going to have Six go through long hunger on the third chapter, I'm not that evil.)



Six felt strange when she got into this room. Like a sudden sense of danger and fear.

Six tried to ignore the feeling and kept following the group.

She watched the group climb up boxes, helping Five and three climb up since three is a hunchback (Yes, if you haven't read the little nightmare comics three is an hunchback) and Five is the smallest.

Six walked over to Five and Seven and helped Seven lift Five up. "Thanks!" Five said, climbing into the hole.

Seven climbed into the hole, Six came into the the hole a minute after him. Though, while she was trying to crawl though the Hole she heard whispers. She couldn't understand them.

Though hearing these strange whispers made her crawl towards her friends quickly, she dropped down as fast as possible.

Nobody seemed to take notice of her panicked state, maybe it was because her face was hard to see? Who knows.

They walked through a hallway, water was everywhere. Soon, they walked across a bridge.

The group looked around, there was cages everywhere! Above them was cages stuck to a chain, it was like a square recking ball.

They climbed up the cages and onto a platform, they jumped into the sqaure-cage-recking ball(?) and climbed up the chain, Mono jumped off onto another platform. This platform had a lever.

Little Nightmares : Split (DISCONTINUED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora