👑🐛 Chapter Two🐛👑

Start from the beginning

~In The Morning~

Rayla woke up. She smiled as she looked at her sleeping prince. Then she noticed a diamond engagement ring on her finger.

"What's this?" Rayla said thinking out loud. This woke Callum.

"Morning Rayla," Callum said as he kissed her forehead.

"Mornin' Callum," Rayla said than she looked away then as Callum was getting dress she called his name, "Callum? What's this?"

"Oh, that! It's um...an engagement ring," Callum said to Rayla as his voice faded.

"Oh, Callum! I love you!" Rayla gushed.

"So... after this adventure, baby girl, do you want to get married?" Callum asked.

"Yes! Callum! You big dumb human! Of course, I'll marry you!" Rayla said.

"Rayla! Callum! Breakfast!" Soren yelled.

"Okay!" Both yelled back.

Then after Rayla finished getting dressed she ran to the bathroom and threw up.

"Yeah! Let's go to the vet," Rayla said as Callum agreed.

"Morning Callum! Morning Rayla!" Ez said to the secret happily engaged couple.

"Yeah morning!" Soren said as Rayla and Callum sat down at the table.

"What's that?" Soren asked Rayla as she put her hand with the ring on the table.

"Oh, this...nothin'," Rayla replied.

"Sure," Soren said.

"So down the river today," Ezran said.

"What?! Not today!" Rayla exclaimed.

"Yeah, today. Don't tell me you are still scared of the water?" Callum said.

"Fine! I admit it! I'm still scared of the water!" Rayla said.

"Okay, I'll hold you. And Ez will hold Bait this time," Callum said, "And after this adventure, I'll teach you how to like the water. Okay?"

"Okay, Callum," Rayla replied.

"Wow, so the brave the MoonShadow elf is scared of water? Ha!" Soren laughed.

"Soren stop! You don't get to hurt my fianceé's feelings just because you want to have a good laugh!" Callum yelled at Soren.

"Wait! Fianceé?" Ezran asked Rayla and Callum.

"Yeah. I'm with the King. So Rayla, the MoonShadow elf, is Prince Callum of Katolis' fiancee?" Soren said.

"Yes! We engaged!" Rayla and Callum said together as they kissed.

"Ugh! Disgusting!" Soren said as he put his fork down.

"Breakfast is over! To the boat!" Rayla said.

Hey! It's me. I've been updating every day. Wow! Yay me! So...I have a Wattpad Instagram account. The link is in my bio. 

Well...yeah. Sorry, my readers. And you probably all know... I've dedicated this book to TVC or VickyAruwa03  Thanks for your inspiration and all because of a YouTube video. But the world works in mysterious ways. So... here's the video that inspired me.

So thank you TVC! 

Word count: 901

Always-In-Love OUT!

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