♛ | Chapter 19 - "it's not what it looks like"

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The heavy scent of oranges and sandalwood flood my senses as my eyes are torn apart by the heavy sun's rays. I groan quietly, the gold rimmed ceiling greeting me as I squint my eyes. I slowly sit up and look down at the bed I'm in. The covers were the same silk that I was privileged to have but instead it was a dark blue.

This was Orion's room.

It was around the same size as mine, perhaps bigger. There was no balcony, but a big window in the shape of a circle that was directly in front of me. It was a large window, covering the better half of the long wall. The window itself was made up of stained glass and the geometrical shapes made up an image of the moon and stars. There was tinted glass of grey and dark blue which made the light from the sun even more magical.

There was no desk that I expected but then I remembered he had his own office. There were two doors that I suspected lead to a bathroom and closet. As for the man himself, he was nowhere to be seen. I get out of the silk covers and make the bed, spying my phone on a mahogany bedside table with a gold handle. I retrieve my phone which surprisingly isn't dead.
I was still in my clothes from last night thankfully and it was nearing one in the afternoon. I make my way out of my mate's room and suite and just as I open the double doors leading out, a familiar smirking face looks down at me with his fist raised in the air, no doubt just about to knock.

"Oh hey Gray," I smile at my best friend. "What are you doing here?"
He raises an eyebrow, dropping his hand and crossing his arms. "I could ask you the same thing, young lady."
I roll my eyes at his insinuation. "It's not what it looks like," I say, hopping onto his train of thought.
Still incredulous, he rolls his eyes too and then makes a show of giving me a onceover. "Last night's clothes, messy bed hair and an unnatural glow to your face. And you're telling me it's not what it looks like?" He asks after his short list.
I smile at The Night Weaver, "Yup."

With that, I walk past him and close the doors after I get Gray to move out of the way. "What are you doing today?" I ask him as he begins walking with me, leading the way to my own suite. "Not much," He admits, shrugging slightly.
"Does the mighty Night Weaver finally have a day off?" I look up at him. I have missed my best friend. Instead of answering, he grins down at me. "Looking for some fun, Lady of Starlight?"
"Fun that won't get me into trouble," I clarify with the man as we walk into my suit.

"When did you become such a bore, Strae?" my best friend whines.
"Strae?" I question the nickname.
"Astraea just seems so long," he says, following me into my bedroom. "You know what else is long?" Gray continues.
I don't even have to be looking at him to know that he is no doubt wearing his shit eating grin. I walk into the bathroom and close the door in my best friend's face, not letting him finish his joke. I muffle my snicker, not wanting the mage on the other side of the door to hear me. "I can hear you, Strae!" Gray shouts, "I know you think I'm hilarious."

"I'm funnier, Gray!" I yell back, quickly stripping of my clothes. I laugh to myself. My stupid stupid best friend. My shower is quick but refreshing and after I wrap my towel around myself, I brush my teeth. I'm not surprised when I don't find Gray in my room anymore. He would have gotten bored after a minute.

I get dressed in a simple pair of black skinny jeans and a thin knitted sweater. I let my hair air dry after I comb it, knowing my straight hair would behave. It always did, unless I wanted it with some curls. I end up finding Gray in the dining room, sitting with a man I didn't recognise. My best friend does not look at me when I walk in but the stranger instantly does, standing and bowing so fast I was surprised he didn't fall.

I hurry my steps, knowing he would stand once I'm in front of him. "Marco Night, my lady," he introduces himself. "Call me Astraea," I smile at the young mage. He couldn't be any older than I was. His olive skin and dark brown eyes gives him an innocence I couldn't refuse. It was odd, wanting to protect the man. He was my age and a mage. If anything, he should be protecting the weak human.

"Marco, fancy leaving the castle for some fun?" Gray asks the mage from his seat. The mage in question spins to face The Night Weaver. "Fun?" he repeats, his eyes somewhat wider.
"Fun," Gray grins.
"I- uh," he stutters. "I have to give a message to The King, Night Weaver."
Gray stands and pats him on the back lightly. "Another time." He then dismisses the mage and Marco scurries along.

"He's the messenger from Lyra. The new trainee is arriving tomorrow," Gray explains and my eyebrows rise in question. "Trainee?"
"Magda Rose Night from Lyra. Training to be the next Lady of the village."
I smile as I instantly recognise the name. "She's coming tomorrow for the initiation?" I all but squeal. "You know her?" He asks, slightly incredulous. I nod and he dismisses the topic as fast as it had arrived.

"Alright let's go, we're meeting up with Ashton," he walks out of the dining room and I follow after him. "We are?" I ask and he hums in confirmation. "Where are we going?"
"To eat some good food."


"This is what you call good food?" I scowl up at Gray and he just grins in response, walking into Mcdonald's. I shake my head but follow after the mighty Night Weaver. I instantly spot my twin at a table and we walk on over. "Took you guys long enough," Ash greets with a grin despite his words. Gray points his thumb in my direction, "your twin over here decided to take too long in the shower."
I scoff as we both take a seat, "I was only five minutes."
Gray and Ash share a look and shake their heads. "Girls," they both say at the same time.

"Boys," I mock, rolling my eyes.

After threatening both men with serious injury to their testicles, I am able to buy food for the three of us. "We're having this family gathering thing in a few days," Ash says while also shoving fries in his throat. "You're coming," he tells me. I raise my eyebrows, "just you and mum and dad kind of gathering or like aunties and cousins kind of thing?" I question, sitting up slightly straighter. I hadn't even thought of extended family till now.
"Aunties, uncles, cousins and grandparents kind of thing," Ash confirms and I can't help but grin despite the sudden nerves that comes with meeting new people.

"Thanks for the invite guys," Gray buts in. We both ignore him.

"Aren't I supposed to be some big secret?" I ask, my hand going to the mark etched on my chest. I had to remind myself that I wasn't a normal human being. Preserver. That's what I was. "Mum decided to spill the beans the other day," my twin explains, "well half the beans anyway. We can't really tell anyone of the whole mage thing." He jerks his head towards Gray, a mage.
My head hurts thinking about how that conversation would have gone. "I can't imagine that went very well," I voice my thoughts.

Ashton chuckles. "It didn't but luckily I wasn't there." He then reaches for his drink, only to knock it over. I instinctively reach out to try and save it but Gray beats me to it. Or well, his shadows anyway. The onyx air wraps around the falling drink and swiftly brings it back onto the table within a blink. I gasp, "what if someone saw you?"
The mage shrugs, seeming to not care at all. I shake my head. Gray.
"That was so cool!" my twin exclaims, grinning wide with his eyes even wider.

Gray chuckles. "Try not to be so clumsy, Ash," he says.
Ashton sends him a sheepish smile as I finish off my burger. Gray then turns to me, cheshire grin intact and unnerving. "Whatever it is, no," I interrupt him before he can get a word out. He completely ignores me though. "Tell me all about you and lover boy, Strae."
I can't help but return his grin at the mention of my said lover boy. "I'm making good progress," I admit proudly.

"I can tell," Gray smirks, "I did find you in his bedroom this morning."
"Astraea!" Ash gasps dramatically. I roll my eyes at the boys. "We did not have sex," I clear up, mostly for my brother. "That's a shame," my best friend says, "Why don't you just strip in front of him? He won't be able to resist your fine ass."

"My fine ass will disown you," I threaten as Ashton says, "Gross. That's my sister."
"You can do whatever you want with me," Gray winks.
I share a disgusted look with my twin. "Let's ditch the horn dog," I grumble and he nods in agreement.
"Guys," Gray whines, "don't be like that."
I turn to face him. "I'm going to tell Orion on you."

The Night Weaver instantly chortles. "No, you won't."

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