♛ | Chapter 17 - "losing to my own beauty"

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My cheeks had been painted an ugly red for the majority of the night, my mind constantly going back to my mates rather honest answer of wanting to 'get into my pants'. Of course our night was still going. We sat in our restaurant that Orion had booked for us, looking through the menu. I struggle to figure out what I want to eat considering my eyes keep looking up at everyone. I had been holled up at The Night Throne for so long, it felt good to be able to people watch ordinary people, humans.

"You do realise that the menu is in front of you, right?"
I drag my eyes away, meeting his. "Why don't you choose for me?" I ask, sheepishly smiling. I was indecisive when it comes to my food. Besides, I trust Orion to pick out something I would enjoy. After silently agreeing with me, he lets me turn back to my people watching.

A couple sits together, their hands clutched on the table. The room was mostly filled with couples, I realise. Probably because the restaurant seemed much too expensive for bringing along whole families. I turn back to my mate. "So I was thinking," I start.
"That's never a good thing," he deadpans.

I roll my eyes, fighting off the amused grin that wanted to join the conversation. "I was thinking," I repeat, "you know how we have to do those mage rituals and stuff?" He nods. "Well what if we get married too?" I ask, my heart skipping a mile a minute. Marriage has always been on my mind. It was a childhood dream of mine to wear the puffiest and whitest dress I could find. I knew Orion's and I's relationship was basically new, but he was my soulmate. The bonding ceremony was basically marriage anyway, why not actually get married?

My mate stares at me blankly and my heart drops. He was going to say no. "I mean, it was just a suggestion," I hurriedly add.
"We will have a wedding," Orion says quietly but firmly in his usual icy tone. My eyes widen slightly in surprise, "Really?"
He nods. Guilt slowly trickles in. We were already doing the Ritual of the Pure and the Bonding Ceremony. A marriage was just even more time and money spent. "We don't hav-"
"We will have a wedding." He repeats, this time meeting my eyes.

I smile, albeit a little reluctantly, the liquid stars within rejoicing. "Okay," I murmur. "Is there something specific you want?" We never really spoke about the gorgeous man in front of me. As expected, he just shakes his head. "Come on," I persist, "there must be something you want. Anything." I continue to stare at his handsome face patiently and he meets my stare head on. I was convinced he was going to keep silent till he finally responds.

"I want my own house," he says, "one away from the kingdom."
"Why don't you just build or buy one?" I ask. I knew he had the resources. Heck, the man could get a building within minutes.
"I was waiting for my mate," he responds simply.
I lean forward in my seat, placing my elbows onto the table. I knew Orion didn't open up much so this was a rarity. "Why?" I ask.
"You ask a lot of questions," he slightly narrows his eyes at me and I grin. "You don't answer enough of them."

"I waited so my mate could help me design our home," he tells me after a second, his voice lower than usual.
"Designing a home, huh? Never done that before."
"Do you have any ideas on what you want in the house?" he asks me, giving the room a quick survey. I didn't even have to think about that. "A big balcony and a gazebo in the backyard."

We discuss the details of the house till our food arrives. We both agreed there was to be no purple.
"This is good," I comment after I've finished my first mouthful. Orion had ordered me some grilled salmon with mashed potatoes and steamed vegetables.
"Do I ever disappoint?" he asks without looking up from his steak.
I pretend to think about this, humming. "No, I guess not."

I can't help but glance around me again. Humans. My fellow species. I manage to catch a man's eyes. He looked to be in his late twenties with cute black rimmed glasses on. I smile at the stranger, not wanting to be awkward and make him think I was staring at the poor guy. He returns my smile wholeheartedly and I look away, turning my attention back to my food. "If he smiles any wider, his face is going to split in half," Orion mutters, causing me to let out a snort of laughter. "That's not very nice," I defend, still chuckling. He only shrugs. "How'd you even notice that?" I could have sworn he was looking down at his food the whole time.
"I see everything," the Prince says.

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