♛ | Chapter 37 - "his loved fine ass"

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Astraea's POV

"What if I don't get to tell him?" I wail, fumbling with my necklace.

The poor warrior grimaces. "Our Prince is strong. He will come back for you," Max promises. I clasp my hands together, trying to get them to stop shaking. "I'm going to kill him when he gets back," I tell him, scowling.
This doesn't fail to make Max unsteady as he winces slightly. "But, I thought you loved him."

I pout. I did. I really did.

Amongst all my worrying, I had realised I loved the stupid prince. I had shocked myself so much that I had to tell Maxwell. I couldn't imagine a future without my mate and I didn't want to. "That doesn't matter," I grumble, plopping myself onto the bed. I had thankfully changed out of the puffy dress and Max had gotten someone to dispose of it. He had also accompanied me to my own room so I could change into a pair of sweats and long sleeved shirt. Max hadn't wanted to come inside Orion's room but I had made him relent. I would go crazy otherwise.

"Why are you so upset?" he asks hesitantly.
"Because he left me here while he's out there fighting some deranged King."
"Prince Orion just wanted to make sure you were safe, I'm sure," he says, no doubt trying to save my mate from my wrath.
I huff and stand back up, crossing my arms. "That's not his decision to make. I am not a child."
"But you are human," Max points out before turning red, quickly apologising as if it were an insult.

I mentally scoff. Mages. "I would have gone willingly if he had just asked," I say, trying to redeem my human self.
He tilts his head and Stella jumps off the bed to circle my feet. I pick the puppy up as Max responds. "While in the middle of a..." he pauses to find a word. "Dispute, I doubt the prince wanted to waste time. He just wanted you to be safe, Astraea," he says gently.

I sit back on the bed and cuddle with Stella, fighting off the unwelcome tears that quickly threaten to spill. It was easier to be angry than miserable. "I know," I whisper. "I'm just so worried. What if something happens to him?" I looked down as Stella snuggled into my chest, no doubt trying to comfort me. This only makes me lose the battle I had with my tears as they fall. Max was right. I wouldn't have been helpful anyway. I can't even keep from crying.

"Lords, are you crying?"

"No," I mumble, wiping away the tears. After a beat of silence, Max joins me on the bed hesitantly. "Hey, it's okay. Everything will be fine. I promise," he says and I sigh. Everything will be fine. There was no other option.

And the warrior was right.

Orion's familiar shadows appear in front of us and Max and I quickly stand, placing . My mate was okay. His eyes are gold when they meet mine but I quickly drop mine to the blood soaked clothes he wore. "Oh my- fuck are you hurt?" I rush to his side, not noticing Max slip past us. My heart drops as I survey his body, trying to find where the blood was coming from. "I'm fine," he says. "So where is all this blood coming from?" I ask, my eyebrows scrunching up.
"Taylem," he says simply and my mouth falls open at the implication and I take a step back, grimacing.

"Shower," we say at the same time. I could get the details later. Orion disappears to the bathroom, leaving the door open. It was a pretty big bathroom so I didn't see anything anyway. I didn't know if I was disappointed or relieved about that fact. I smile at Stella who stood on the bed, her tail wagging. "Daddy's okay," I sigh. Which reminded me that I was supposed to be mad at my mate. The tap turns on and when I know he's safely inside the shower, I walk into the bathroom.

"Is everyone okay?" I ask. "Gray? Rose?"
"They're both fine," he answers and I silently thank the Lords. I wouldn't be able to live without my lousy friends either. "I'm mad at you," I let him know, taking a seat on the ledge of the separate bathtub. I face the shower, thankfully and unfortunately not being able to see any of Orion or his goods. There was thankfully no bloody clothes anywhere or I might have hurled at a second look. He must've somehow taken them away.

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