♛ | Chapter 4 - "purple and gold"

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The birds chirp irritably loud and I turn onto my back, groaning. I clench my eyes. Why was it always so bright? My hands skim over something soft, resembling silk. After a lot of internal arguing, I manage to crack open my eyes, frowning.

I was in a large bed with gazillions of plush pillows. The silk was the sheets draped around me snuggly. I look around the room, or suite rather.
It screamed wealth, royalty even. There was extravagant curtains hung over what looked to be glass doors that lead to a balcony. They were partially parted, letting in mass rays of the sun. The curtains were a deep purple, almost looking like a dark blue, bordering on black.

As I survey the rest of the grand room, I realise the tantalising colour was a regular theme throughout. Wherever the light touched the sheets, the dark purple glimmered. My soft pillows were a shimmering gold.

A wooden antique looking vanity was across from me, the gold lining of it matching the rest of the the room. The walls were an off white, having the same gold lining.
What is with all the gold and purple?
I count a total of three doors in the room, including the balcony door.

My eyes were wide. The room was lavish, extravagant and fit for royalty.

Who's room was this? Where was I?

My mind drifts to Orion. Could I be in his house, and if so, was the obnoxious stick swimming in riches?
I throw the covers off my body, sighing. More questions added to the overflowing pile.
My bare feet meets cool wooden floor boards before touching plush carpet. Looking down, I admire the impressive carpet. It was black with intricate designs entwined with the stars and moon. It was my second favourite feature of the room, the first being a small but sparkling chandelier.

I open the closest door to find an equally grand bathroom. The tiles were pearly white, the gold etchings visible here as well. The size of the shower could fit a whole bathroom in itself. There were purple towels neatly folded by the sink. I exit the bathroom, heading for the next door.

"Holy fuck," I whisper to myself. It was a closet. A closet the size of my living room. There was already clothes and shoes stacked and hung up and as I thumb through them, I realise that half of it was my own clothes. The other half was all new, price tags still attached. I pick one up but immediately let go of it.

The shirt, the plain shirt, had too many digits for it's price to be acceptable.

"What in the world is wrong with these people?" I mutter.
Who buys clothes that expensive? I answer my own question. People with money. A lot of money.

I leave the monstrous closet. The double doors that I explore next leads to a living room. The couches, a deep purple, were outlined in that familiar gold. A dark wooden coffee table sat in the middle of the three couches, a statue of a foreign flower atop of it.
It was gold. What a surprise.

There was a big flat screen tv facing the couches, seeming to be embedded into the wall. Directly behind the set up was massive bay windows. The same curtains are draped here as well, parted to let in light. I take a step towards the grand window, eager to find some sort of clue as to where I am.

"It's about time you woke up."

I whip around, startled. Orion stood, as rigid as ever, in the largest doorway in the suite. He wore black pants and a modern day tunic, the latter being the same shade purple as my room. His leather black shoes shine similarly to the chandeliers in the room.

All the purple was almost nauseating.

"How long have I been sleeping for?" I ask, my tense muscles relaxing.
He looks me over in analysis and the urge to poke his eyes out arises. "Eight hours," he says once his eyes meet mine.
I glance around the room, "who's suite am I in?"
"Yours," he answers without missing a beat.
My eyes narrow onto his painfully handsome face, "my suite?"
One eyebrow rises, "did I stutter?"

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