Chapter 26

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Brady's POV
I woke up next to Siobhan who was still asleep, poor baby girl after what happened last night with her having a panic attack, I got out of the bed and I kissed her forehead before I pulled the blankets up her body more to keep her warm while I am gone today, I then kissed her forehead after I got dressed and then I said to her "Sweet dreams princess" I then ate breakfast with Lilly and Stacey drives us to the beach, Lilly asked me to come to keep her company and Stacey was supposed to take Siobhan out shopping but I think Siobhan is just now going to stay at home.

Siobhan's POV
I woke up at around 11:30am and Brady is not here next to me, I then started to freak out and I yelled "Brady!" But he didn't response back, I then tried to call him but his phone went to voice mail several times and then I tried to stand up but my bedroom kept spinning around me and making me so dizzy, what was going on? I then felt like I was going to be sick so I threw up and I flushed the toilet and then I couldn't get up, my head hurts so bad, it was like I was having an anxiety attack, I then heard someone come through the front door and I yelled out "Hello, someone help me!" I was then crying as I heard the person come up the stairs and they opened my bedroom door and it was my mom, my mom then rushed to me while I felt the world was spinning around me, I then said to my mom "Mom?" "Shhh, it's ok, I'm here" "My head hurts so bad" "Ok, I'll get your dad, Chris!" "Yeah?" My dad then saw me on the ground crying and then my mom said to him "Help her up, her head hurts and she can't get up" "Brady, I need Brady mom" "I'll call him or Lilly, ok" my dad then helped me up and he put me on my bed, my dad then tucked me in and my head was getting better, my mom then placed a ice pack on my head while she was trying to reach Brady or Lilly but she couldn't.

Brady's POV
2 hours later...
Lilly and I were finished swimming and we went to our stuff to pack up and I looked at my phone and I got a lot of missed calls from Siobhan and Stacey, Lilly did too. I then played one of my voicemails from Siobhan and it said "Brady, my head hurts so bad and I can't get up and I just threw up please get back to me" I then heard my poor baby girl crying at the end, I then said to Lilly "Siobhan needs me" Chris then showed up and he drove us back to Siobhan's house and I was praying that my angel was alright.

We got back to the house and I rushed upstairs to Siobhan's bedroom and she had an ice pack on her head and she was sleeping, poor baby girl, a panic attack the night before and now a headache that hurts so much that she couldn't get up and it made her throw up?, Stacey then came into the room and she said to me "Brady, I think you need to go home" "Why?" "You never answered any of my calls or Siobhan's calls to you, imagine if she died and you never answered her calls for help before she passed away" "I'm sorry Stacey" "Sorry isn't enough Brady, you made a promise to her that you would always be there for her with that promise ring and today you just proved that you are like your mother" "Don't talk about my mom in that way, she is not what you say she is" "Oh really Brady, you were not up there in the moms viewing area while she and I argued about you, Siobhan and Lilly" "That's not true, my mom was only sticking up for me" I then heard Siobhan wake up and I rushed to her side "Angel, are you ok?" "Where were you?!?!, you never answered my calls and I needed you" "Angel, I'm sorry" "Just go home, Brady" "But..." "Just go home" I then left Siobhan alone.

That night...
I went into the guest bedroom tonight and I heard the door open and it was Lilly, Lilly then said to me "She's not mad at you Brady, she was worried where you were since you never left a note for her" "Oh" "Yeah and I suggest you apologise to her" "I already tried but she won't forgive me" "She's cooled down now and she's still up so why don't you talk to her?" "Ok" I walked into Siobhan's bedroom and she was reading a book, she then said to me "What do you want?" "I'm sorry that I never answered your calls when you needed me the most, I was at the beach with Lilly and I should have wrote you a note to explain where I was" "Sorry doesn't cut it, goodnight" "Wait, if you would just listen to me, I'll go" "Fine, you got five minutes"

I then sang her a song (I believe in you by Michael Bublé)

Time goes by
And I've been holding everything inside
But now I've got nothing left to hide
When I'm with you, oh, you
But I can see
How strong a man I'm gonna have to be
To do for you what comes so naturally
It's in the way you move
And all I want
Is a chance to prove
Show all I can do
I believe in starting over
I can see that your heart is true
I believe in good things coming back to you
You're the light that lifts me higher
So bright, you guide me through
I believe in you
And I don't mind
If you want to hold onto me tight
You don't have to sleep alone tonight
If you don't want to
And all I want
Is to know you're near
You're all I need here
I believe in starting over
I can see that your heart is true
I believe in good things coming back to you
You're the light that lifts me higher
So bright, you guide me through
I believe in you
I know that there are times
When you feel worthless
Like all the love you get
You don't deserve it
Sometimes I feel my faith is just a burden
On you, you, you
I believe in starting over
I can see your heart is true
I believe in love
You give me reason to
You're the light that lifts me higher
So high up in the sky
I, I think we're gonna fly
I believe in starting over
I can see that your heart is true
I believe in love
You give me reason to
You're the light that lifts me higher
So bright, you guide me through
I believe in you
I believe in you
I believe in you
You guide me through
I believe in you

She then smiled at me before she kissed me and I kissed back and she finally forgives me, I start to lift up her shirt but she pushes me off her making me confused, did I do something wrong?

Siobhan's POV
I was kissing Brady when he started lifting my shirt up and then I heard voices in my head saying "Siobhan, your fat" "He only went out with you to make you feel better about yourself" I then pushed Brady off me and I run to my bathroom to throw up, I was throwing up when I felt someone hold my hair out of my way and it was Brady, i then finished throwing up and I flushed the toilet, Brady then kneeled down to me and he said to me "Are you ok?" "I think I'm sick" "Aww poor baby girl" "You don't have to feel bad for me" "I do, I'll carry you to your bed" Brady then lifted me off the floor and he carried me like a baby to my bed, he then tucked me up under the covers and then he was about to leave when I said "Wait" "Yes babe" "Can you stay?" "In here?" "Yes" "Okay" "Come in the bed" Brady then came into my bed and he kissed my forehead to not catch my sickness and then we went to sleep.

Dance moms season 8 Brady and Siobhan: the sequelحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن