Chapter 22

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Siobhan's POV 

Brady and I went swimming today and it was really nice, Brady and I shared some kisses before we took some photos together and then we headed inside and we got changed then Brady's mom called us downstairs and then she said to us "Do you guys want to go the mall today because I have to run errands" Brady's brothers and dad went out for the day to a amusement park but Brady didn't go because he didn't want to leave me alone in the house, Brady then smirked at me and I knew what he wanted to do, I then said to Trisha "No thanks Trisha, Brady and I will go to the mall tomorrow" "Ok but no funny business while I am gone ok?" "We got it mom" Brady said to her before she left.

Brady then said to me "Finally, we have the house to ourselves" "I know" Brady then kissed me and I melted into the kiss and I kissed him biting down on his lip making him moan my name, Brady then picked me up like he was carrying a little kid and we went into his bedroom.

2 hours later...

I woke up in Brady's bed and I got a phone call from my agent and I quickly and quietly got out of Brady's bedroom in one of his hoodies and spandex shorts before I rang back my agent and my agent said that the movie that I filmed the epilepsy dancer is coming out in about two months and I could bring anyone as my date to the movie premier, I then looked back at my sleeping boyfriend before my agent said "So I heard you have a boyfriend?" "Yes, his name is Brady Farrar" "Well invite him as your date to the movie premier, the fans are crazy about you two together" "Your right" "Plus I have some exciting news" "Go on" "Well Johnny got you lined up with Briar Nolet for a movie about two sisters who are separated when their parents get a divorce when they are kids and then when you both are young adults you track down each other and then you both find each other in the end" "Wait what?, the Briar Nolet?, the one that plays Richelle on the next step?!?!" "Yeah, she's so excited to meet you because she heard about you filming your last movie and I know with a dance moms girl and a the next step girl acting together in the same movie, the views will go crazy for the movie plus Johnny wants Lilly in the movie portraying the role as young Briar Nolet, he still needs to figure out the names for the two sisters" "Honestly Jackie that's amazing, when does shooting start?" "Next month" I was shocked because we would be filming season 9 if it is going to happen next month, Jackie then said to me "I know what you are thinking right now but trust me this is an opportunity of a lifetime to work with someone like Briar Nolet" "Your right but..." "I know you need to think this over, I'll try to hold filming back until after you film season 9 if it is going to happen" "Thank you Jackie" "Just let me know your decision by the end of the week, I gotta go now, enjoy your christmas break" "Thanks Jackie, you too" Jackie then hanged up and I sighed, this is going to be one hard decision.

Brady's POV

I woke up and Siobhan had just finished talking to someone on the phone and it was Jackie, her agent, Siobhan then walked back to my bedroom and she traced my abs again for the second time today before I said to her "Are you ok?" "Yeah" Siobhan then snuggled herself under my chin and I played with her hair but I knew something was wrong and I wanted to find out what it was. 

A few hours later

My brothers, my dad and my mom came back and we had dinner before I decided to talk to Lilly, Siobhan was in the guest bathroom shower so I called Lilly and after we talked I learned why Siobhan was not herself after the call, she got a offer to be a movie that would filming at the same time as dance moms season 9 if it happens and Lilly got the same offer but I wanted to speak to Siobhan about it 

An hour later...

I knocked on Siobhan's bedroom door and she said "Come in" I then opened her bedroom door and I closed it before I said to her "You should do the movie" "What movie?" "Oh don't act like you don't know what movie I'm talking about, the movie you are filming next month" "Oh..." I then sit down on the bed besides Siobhan and I said to her "This is your one chance to work with Briar Nolet and if you turn it down, you are going to regret it and I know it" "But I don't want to leave you alone if season 9 films with out me" "I know you want to be there but you can't film two things at the same time" "Your right" "And besides we can face time and text each other if you chose to do the movie" "Your right" "And you'll be supporting me like I did to you when I left in season 8" "Your right" "How many times are you going to say your right?' "I don't know" "Then just kiss me" "As you wish" Siobhan kissed me and I kissed back leaving a hickey on her neck.

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