V. Memory Lane Part 1.

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Lockwood Mansion 1864.

Amelia and Stefan are dancing together.

"Loom who found his dancing shoes." Amelia smiled to Stefan. He leaned in to kiss her but Amelia pulled back before he could. "No touching, Mr. Salvatote. Those are the rules."

"I thought you didn't believe in rules." Stefan said. He looked over to see Damon dancing with Katherine but he was looking to Stefan and Amelia. "My brother is still upset that you chose me to escort you."

"Well Damon needs to understand that he has Katherine, and that his younger brother is a much better dancer than he could ever be." Amelia looked to Damon. "Looks like he found someone to occupy his time."

Stefan saw Elena with Damon instead of Katherine. "Elena."

"Stefan, don't." Amelia said.

Elena left with Damon. Stefan follows them.

"Elena!" Stefan called after her.

He opens a door and arrives at the Mystic Grill. Elena is at the pool table.

"Its your turn." She held out the cue stick in Stefan's direction.
Stefan smiles and starts walking towards the table but Damon walks in front of him and joins Elena at the pool table.

"Be prepared." Damon said smiling and then kissed Elena. Amelia appeared next to Stefan in her 1864 dress.

"It hurts, doesn't it?" Amelia asked as Stefan looked over to Elena and Damon. "Now you know how I feel. Don't fight it, Stefan. You loved me once. You can love me again."

It is 1864 again.

"I love you, Stefan. We'll be together again, I promise." Amelia kissed him and he kissed back.


Stefan wakes up in bed with "Elena" sleeping next to him with her head on his chest.

"Hey, are you okay?" Amelia asked Stefan, acting as Elena.

"Yeah. Yes, bad dream. Get back to sleep." He gets out of the bed at vamp speed. It was not Elena but Amelia. She sits down on the bed. "Amelia."

"You have to admit I am getting better at this." She said smirking. "It was easy to get inside of your head. Have you completely forsaken your nature?"

Stefan rushed at her but she pushed him away. "Are we really gonna do this again? You both know I could rip you to shreds and do my nails at the same time."

"What do you want?"

"I wanted to see you. I missed you, Stefan. Indulge me for a little while, please?"

"Why are you back in town?"

"Three reasons. You, you and you." Amelia knew Stefan. Even if he didn't completely forgive her, he still loved her. The kind of love they had, that kind of love never dies.

"You see, I can't quite get that down. Just kind of...gets stuck in my throat."

"Well you know it's the truth. You love me and nothing will ever get rid of that."


Elena and Damon were together at the grill.

"I don't understand. Why now? Why did Amelia come back now? After so long, 145 years away, why is she back now. She doesn't even love Stefan. She is just playing with him to get to me" Elena had her head down. Her doppelgänger was obsessed with HER boyfriend.

"That's the thing, Elena. Amelia does love Stefan. She wants him to be happy which is why she wants to be with him. She is trying to be happy too and the only way to do that is to be with him. You see, her humanity isn't off, yet she doesn't care. The light in her eyes left the moment Stefans bust dropped to the ground. It came back the day she saw Stefan again, eye to eye. Dont underestimate her, Elena."


Amelia was reading Stefan's journal at the Salvatore Boarding House. Stefan shortly arrived.

"You shouldn't read someone's journal." Stefan said.

Amelia ignored his comment and kept reading. "I know. I'm sorry. It was just too tempting, all of your inner thoughts and feelings, laying there on your desk for me to read." He took the journal from Amelia's hand and gave her a glass of blood instead.

"Damon's private stock.

"That's right! You don't do human, I read that. I also read about your recent werewolf siting.. That must have come as a surprise."

"What do you know about werewolves?" Stefan was curious. She was a 1446 year old girl, she must have met a werewolf or two in her lifetime.

" I know not to pet one. Their bite kills, Stefan. It's best to stay clear of them during a full moon."

"And how so you know this?"

"Who do you think was responsible of ridding the town of vampires in 1864?" Amelia thought it was smarter to bring up something from both their lives instead of just her own as he may not have believed her.

"Founding families."

"Spearheaded by?"

"The Lockwoods." Stefan realised what she was talking about. With Mason Lovkwoods behaviour at the carnival, he knew he was hound to be supernatural.

"You remember the Founders' Ball, don't you? The one that you were dreaming about?"

"I was your escort."

"That was before you and Damon knew Katherine and my little secret."

-Flashback. 1864 Founders Ball-

"Everyone will you please join me in raising your glasses to my good friend George Lockwood. George, thank you for so bravely defending the south." Damon said stood beside George Lockwood.

"My honor Mr. Salvatore. After all, someone had to do it.." Katherine and Amelia are drinking with Stefan. Henry arrives.

"Miss Amelia. Miss Katherine. Can we have a word?"

"Grab a glass, Henry. It's a celebration." Katherine said.

"Please, Miss Katherine." Henry pleaded.

"Katherine, go ahead. I'll stay here with Stefan. Just inform me about it later." Amelia smiled.

Katherine and Henry departed together and Amelia kissed Stefan.


"From the moment we met George, we knew he'd be a problem." Amelia said.

" So you're saying that all the Lockwoods are werewolves"

"The werewolf gene runs in the Lockwood family. Not that they're all wolves."

"How many werewolves are out there? I mean...is it just limited to the Lockwood's?"

" No, there are others. Not many. They're practically extinct. They mainly exist now in books and really bad movies." She drinks and puts the glass on the table. "My turn to ask a question. Why did you keep this picture? Why not burn it, tear it up? You want to know why I came back? I have a better question, why did you? For Elena? No. You came back to fall in love with me all over again, didn't you?" Stefan sped to her and gently caressed her cheek.

"What is it, about you, that makes me still care?" Stefan asked. Amelia leaned up and kissed him. Stefan quickly put a certain dart through back. She fell into his arms.

Stefan carried her to the cell in the basement and tied her to a chair.

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