I. Ameliah Petrova

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Ameliah Petrova was a young girl when she was banished from her Kingdom. Her family found out that she was a witch and immediately threw her out.

You see, 1500 years ago, being a witch meant that you were most definitely practicing witchcraft, which was forbidden.

Ameliah was a princess of some kind. She was worshipped and loved by the Kingdom.

She found a spell once that could create an elixir for immortality and so she created it. And with that she became the world's first Vampire.

However, what surprised her most was that she still had her witch powers. That is how she became a Heretic.

What she didn't know at the time, was that she was a shadow self. A copy of a human girl. Her ancestor. Amelia was the exact copy of her doppelgänger, Amara.

She fled her Kingdom in Hope's of finding a place to stay once her family had banished her. She found a place, that was not yet founded, yet she knew what it was. What we now know as Los Angeles, California, is where she stayed for the first 200 years of her immortal life.

She would kill, and drain bodies of blood, and leave them scattered in the woods where she knew no one would find them.

In the Year 999, she moved to a new part of the USA. She moved to what we now call Mystic Falls. She there found a family. The Mikaelson's. The parents, Esther and Mikael, the children in this order, Finn, Elijah, Niklaus, Kol, Rebekah and Henrik.

You see, what she didn't know, was that her doppelgänger would also reside in the place she now called home. Tatia Petrova moved into Mystic Falls.

Rebekah and Ameliah were best friends. Kol would be with then most of the time as would Henrik. They were the bestest of friends. Ameliah was 19 when she had turned herself into an immortal so the age gap between her, Rebekah and Kol was not that large.

Tatia, had been in a love triangle with Niklaus and Elijah. Both fighting for her love. Ameliah remembered that she was once in a similar situation during her human life.

The resemblance of Tatia and Ameliah was weird to people in the village. That is why Ameliah compelled everyone in the village to think that her and Tatia were related.

Esther knew who Ameliah was. She wanted her help to turn her children turn into the same creature she was. A vampire. She was convinced that once her son Henrik died to the werewolves on a full moon, this was the only way to save her children. They drew the blood of Tatia, as it must be the blood of the human doppelgänger that turns them into an immortal. Tatia's blood was in the wine the Mikaelson children and father drank.

Ameliah helped the children learn how to control the thirst a while after they had gone through the village killing everything in its path.

Ameliah stayed with the siblings for a while before the devastating time of 1389. Niklaus had daggered most of his sibling and had tried daggering Ameliah. That's when Nik saw the light in her bright eyes disappear and turn into the dullest brown eyes. Her humanity was still intact, it was her personality that changed.

She went from village to village killing away everyone in it.

She came back to Niklaus and Elijah in 1492, when they had met yet another one of her doppelgängers. Katerina Petrova. She and Katerina had a lot in common. They were both banished, had lost a child. This is why Ameliah helped Katerina escape. She wouldn't let Nik use her best friend for a sacrifice.

They ran together for years before they stopped in a town. Yet again, they stopped in a town called Mystic Falls. They played sisters who had lost their family to a fire. They stayed with a family called the Salvatores. Giuseppe, the father and the two sons, Stefan and Damon. Each doppelgänger took a liking to one. Ameliah - or her alias - Amelia Pierce, chose Stefan Salvatore, the youngest of the two brothers. And Katherine had to choose Damon as Stefan was already chosen.

Stefan and Amelia had loved each other and it was he who brought back the light to her eyes.

Katherine however, played Damon because she truly loved Stefan even if he was with Amelia.

There came a time when they had to get out of Mystic Falls, Niklaus Mikaelson was close to finding Katherine, and because the town was looking for vampires.

Katherine and Amelia faked their death. But Amelia came back to Stefan to see him one last time. She loved him too much to not say goodbye.

They ran together again, but stopping along the way to see how Stefan was doing, and if he moved on from Amelia.

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