Part seventeen: After the wedding

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He parted the kiss and I caught my breath. "Do you see now? Do you feel?" his voice was hoarse and low, darkened with desire. He leaned his forehead against mine.

"I feel too much." I mumbled, averting my eyes.

At that moment I excused myself 'to go to the bathroom', but just needed to calm my nerves. What does he mean? Of course I feel things, but what is I am supposed to feel? I understand he might have taken a liking towards me, but I doubt he sees me as anything more than a plaything. He has lived for so long, must have experienced so much, I am insignificant in that regard. I washed up and went back. He was waiting for me and suggested we walk back, said he had something beautiful to show me.

We walked through the area, it wasn't a forest but had a good amount of trees. He hadn't let go of my hand and kept holding it all the way through. It made me feel foolishly brave.

"So you want to know where I come from." I stated, still hesitant. He gave my hand a small squeeze and I exhaled. "I'm from... well, I wouldn't say it's the future, but like a different dimension that has a lot of similarities, but also many differences from here."

"Ah, that explains quite a bit." He looked at me, his eyes sympathetic. I smiled at him. "How about the things you know? Are they visions?" he followed up with another question.

"Na-ah, it's my turn to ask something."

Gaunter uttered no words in protest, only nodded to encourage me. I thought this opportunity over a bit more. What did I want to know – without it being too secret that it would get me in trouble.

"What do you do outside of the contracts and deals? Like, for fun. I'm actually curious." I squeezed his hand and I observed his amused expression.

"Oh, you fascinating woman." said Gaunter with a joyful laugh. "You should know there are many wonderful things to be enjoyed in this world."

"I'm aware, but I'm not sure you mean the same things I do."

"While it is true to a certain extent that I enjoy meddling with the lives of mortals, I suppose that's not what you intended with your question." He started, before pulling me off the path, through the trees. A gentle breeze caressed my skin. It smelled of flowers and firewood. A wonderful late summer evening.

"If that's the only thing, isn't it lonely? You may have all the fun in the world, but do you really enjoy it when there's no one there to laugh along with you?"

He caressed the hand he was holding with his warm fingers. We kept going further into the woods, the path lead up, only a little steep. I realised my mistake. Leisure time was only invented after the second World War, because of the 40-hour work week. Before this, things were different and the way people thought about free time and work was different. That must explain why he doesn't entirely understood what I meant.

"I'm not that one-dimensional, there are many other things I enjoy." He tsk'ed at me, sending me a playful look, before spreading his arms to gesture at the scenery before us. "Look at this, isn't this a great view?"

We came to a clearing at the top of the hill. A rocky ridge was on the other side of the hill. A crescent moon shone a pale glow over the treetops. "I don't mind being alone most of the time. After so long, one is simply not bothered by such trivialities."

I sighed at the view, the beauty of this world, and especially the nights, are astonishing.

"I could stay here, in this world, just for the landscapes." I mumbled to myself.

"Then I'm glad for it. Would you like to sit down with me a bit?" Gaunter followed up his word by sinking to the grass, which now only seemed vaguely green in colour because of the paleness of the moonlight. He leaned back on his hands and crossed his outstretched legs at the ankle. He gazed up at me, I found it hard to resist his gaze.

Sitting down next to him, I spoke. "What other things do you like then?"

"This world is truly beautiful, I like going places where that beauty is even more extraordinary. Sometimes I watch people. They can be quite interesting."

I let out a short chuckle along with him.

"I know, I know." He grinned at me, letting his eyes caress every centimetre of my face. "Especially when they are in love," his tone grew serious. His hand reached out to touch my arm and shoulder. "Love can make people so... honest, so spontaneous."

I only nodded at him, still smiling. My heart felt full and warm in my chest. I wished it could last longer. His hand found my neck, his thumb caressed the baby hairs just behind my ear, and I closed my eyes to lean into his touch.

"Can I ask you something personal, outside this little game we're playing?" Gaunter lowered his voice to accommodate for our proximity. I hummed as confirmation. I was leaning almost fully into him. His body was warm and firm and he held me there, an arm around my shoulders. "Do you love all the partners you sleep with? What is it that attracts you to them?"

I cracked my eyes open and attempted to push myself up to a sitting position but he held on to my shoulder, so I didn't. "It's not love, per say. I just really appreciate them, at that moment in time. When they are vulnerable, and how could I not agree to find mutual comfort in our embrace." The moon had climbed higher and lit the area with a silver tint. It had started to smell of morning dew, but it was still not cold.

He shifted and we laid down flat on our backs. I face him, turning on my side. His dark brown eyes met mine.

"There is genuine beauty in those moments, if I understand correctly? But not love."

I kind of shrugged. "Sometimes there's more than just a wonderful moment. I'm not sure if I understand love, but who knows. With some partners it comes pretty close."

I didn't remember fallingasleep, only the touch of gentle fingers that played with my hair.

Honey and Sulphur (Witcher/Gaunter O'Dimm story) Completed!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora