Part twelve: Playing and losing

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Welcome dear readers, thank you for reading again.

I'm surprised at the quite high number of reads this has received. Thank you. Don't be scared to leave a comment to let me know what you think. 

I've been a bit burned out, with both deadlines and also this story. The story itself is not the problem, I have plenty ideas and fun interactions in mind, but the time and stress is getting to me and killing my creative drive. No worries though.

I hope you've been well :)

Part twelve:

That morning I left after a quick breakfast and made my way to the inn, to check if Geralt was back. He wasn't and my day was the same as the one before, working at the blacksmith's shop. I avoided his wife and I ate at the inn. The menial labour gave my mind the freedom to wander and so it did. It bothered me that I thought more about O'Dimm and our night at sir Gavin's house than about the amazing night with Victor. The day after was the same. I felt like staying at the inn, so I didn't visit Victor. His offer to stay with him was not forgotten but a lover was the last thing I needed. Or wanted, more like.

I mulled all these thoughts over above a steaming bowl of goulash soup, it's spiciness warming me from the inside. I heard the wood of the bench opposite of me creak and a man sat down in front of me. I hoped it was Geralt, back from his hunt, but the orange tunic and smug smile were unmistakable.

"O'Dimm." I greeted.

"Annabel. I see you've been well." He nodded and put a tankard of beer down on the table in front of him.

"Do you have another assignment you need me for?" I asked. "Or what is the reason of your visit?"

"Can't I just check in to see how you're managing without Geralt?" He smiled at me, searching my face for something. "He's been gone for a few days now. What have you been keeping busy with?"

"Is that genuine interest or is there something you want?" I narrowed my eyes at him while stirring the soup.

"I'm hurt you don't trust me more, after the great success and also fun we had during our last meeting." He played hurt, but grinned right after.

"Alright, I'll tell you. I've been working at a blacksmith. My hands are getting rough, isn't it amazing?" I said, showing him my palm.

"Didn't you work before your travels with Geralt?" he asked. Shit, I said too much. Of course he picked up on it.

"I was a scholar." I spoke too quickly.

"You never did tell me how you ended up on the Ofieri ship."

"I uh, did research. On the toad. Or curses. That's how I met Geralt." I stunned even myself with the confidence I seemingly had in my blatant lies.

"I'll figure you out someday." O'Dimm said, waving a warning finger at me, a playful look in his eye.

"I'll look forward to it."

Silence followed and I ate.

"I do have something for you to do. One of my customers will be playing in a gwent tournament this evening. I need him to win. Are you any good with card games?"

I shook my head vigorously. "I am not. Can't you just bribe the other players?"

He shrugged. "What's the fun in that? Besides, I think you and I might enjoy ourselves. Maybe you'll even entice another charming, dangerous man to do your every bidding."

Honey and Sulphur (Witcher/Gaunter O'Dimm story) Completed!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن