Part seven: The Von Everec Estate and more flowers

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A new thing (tm) that isn't new at all: using the Witcher OST. I think this is one of the best gaming soundtracks I've heard.

Welcome back again :). Updates have been slower than I would've liked, since exams are almost here again. Still a steady once a week, though. I've been drained and writing has been more difficult, but it'll be fine! :)

I hope you've been doing well.  Take good care of yourself.

Let me know if you enjoy the story, dear reader <3

Part seven:

Edmund lived in a shitty place. It leaked and the wood was rotten in places. I wondered why he bothered to lock the place, since kicking in a door made of old wood can't be that hard. Oh, the joys of student housing. He apologised and explained he spent most of his time at the library or the lab. He read me stories from a book when I dozed in his arms, together in his single bed. It was tight, but it felt so warm to be held. I woke up before him and left when it was before dawn, leaving a thank you-goodbye-note on his nightstand.

It was two days later when we arrived at the von Everec Estate. On the way there, Geralt told me about Shani. He had visited her briefly. I told him a little about my romantic evening with Edmund.

The smoke was visible from where we stood by the gates. The estate was burning.

"Geralt? Can I stay here with Roach? I don't really like the Wild Ones." The encounter with the bandits was still fresh in my mind and the Wild Ones were basically bandits, but with a charming, immortal leader.

"If anything happens, I'm close, okay?" He patted my head and handed me the reins. I thanked him and watched him when he walked up the path to the house.

The wait was quite boring and I let my mind wander. I had tried to avoid thinking of O'Dimm at all, after the suspicious stinging of the mark during orgasm. Had he really been watching us? I started picking flowers, ignoring my thoughts and the smell of smoke that prickled in my nose. The grass was unkempt, but that allowed flowers and herbs to grow plentiful around the gate. It did unfortunately not help me keep my mind of O'Dimm, as I remembered the sunflower I gave him.

Speaking of the devil...

"Annabel, nice to see you again. Waiting for Geralt, I take it?" There he was, holding one of the straps of his bags and smiling as always.

"Greetings, O'Dimm." I stood up with flowers resting on my arm. "Geralt is talking to Olgierd." I walked over to him, he stood by a tree.

"I know, I already chatted with them. Now it's Geralt's turn to do the talking. I went to visit you a few days ago, and oh my..." he trailed off, interrupted as I started to pick out flowers and handed him a few. "Flowers again?" he quirked an eyebrow.

"You were saying something?" I said with a grin. There were quite a few places in O'Dimms outfit to fasten flowers to, such as the buckles on the straps of his bags. So I did. The orange of his tunic contrasted nicely with whites and purples.

"Yes, I went to retrieve you for another outing, but you were otherwise occupied." He grinned and I continued my decorating, tucking a buttercup flower behind his ear, ignoring how such intimate contact felt and how close we were. He made no move to stop me, only looked at me with an amused smile. "I must say, pleasure looks good on you."

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