Part nineteen: A bond has formed *

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Hi, welcome back. I hope your days has been well.  This part was more difficult to write and there were many responsibilities and unfortunate things to deal with. Yet it is here now, and longer than most previous chapters. Please enjoy!

This part features sexually explicit content.

If you enjoy, please vote or let me know.

Art: Albert Bierstadt - In the Foothills

Part nineteen:

We stayed like that for the rest of the night. The familiar tingle in my loins intensified as it got later and later. Most peasants had already left, the cook had announced last call ten minutes ago. Gaunter signalled me to sit next to him and I did. We watched as the cook from before paid the barmaid. The girl protested, said the pay was less than what they had agreed on.

"Then you should've worked harder – nothing comes for free, silly girl. Sittin' on your ass, lazin' about all day – hah! I wish it was that easy." The cook shoved the barmaid out the door. "And only come back tomorrow when you've decided to do some actual work for once!"

Gaunter looked at me and I answered.

"I see." I mumbled. Things were starting to fall into place as he intended them to, no doubt. My stomach contracted, a nervousness crept up my throat. Two more patrons left the inn.

The cook came our way. "Are you two ready? It's time to go, its past midnight."

"In fact, ma'am, we have a proposition for you."

The cook tucked her brown hair behind her ears and looked both of us up and down. She wiped her hands on her grimy apron. "Both of you? I hope you don't think I'm interested in that." Her tone was mocking. It took me a good second to realise about what kind of proposition she was talking. "This is not that sort of establishment."

"No – not like that." I said, quickly. Gaunter gestured for her to sit down opposite of us. She shook her head and leant against the table.

"You're quite lucky today. We couldn't help but overhear-" She scoffed at Gaunter's words. He wasn't fazed. "how you said you wished making money was much easier. It can be."

"I won't lay on my back for you, if that's what you're implyin'." She pointed at me. "Neither for you, girl."

Gaunter looked at me, amused. I felt it was my turn to speak, to do my part of the deal. "Gaunter, he's a... mage of sorts. He helps people fulfil their wishes."

"For a price, of course." Interjected Gaunter, his merchant smile was dazzling. His hand landed on my knee, gave a reassuring squeeze. A jolt of electricity shot throughout my body, despite – or thanks to – the tense situation. It seemed for a split second that she'd cave.

"So you're a mage... You're lucky we're not in Novigrad and I can't report you to the witchhunters. Now get out before I get real mad." She pointed towards the door and Gaunter stood up, pulling me along with him.

I sighed deeply once we were outside. "Sorry that didn't go as planned. Hope I didn't ruin your deal for you."

Gaunter shook his head with his eternal smile. His eyes seemed darker due to the darkness of the night. "It's not over yet. It's in her character to take the easy way out."

Honey and Sulphur (Witcher/Gaunter O'Dimm story) Completed!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ