Part eight: The hedonist, a second deal

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My new favourite piece, by Shostakovich.

Welcome back! This chapter is over 2000 words, so get yourself something warm to drink :). How have you been?

I've been having lots of fun with this story, even though it was slower than I planned.

I hope you enjoy this chapter as well <3

Part eight:

As Geralt and I entered our shared room in the inn, a cloth package awaited on the bed. A card laid atop it, addressed to me.

"I see our friend has brought you a gift. And you say there's nothing going on." Geralt remarked, yet left the room to give me some privacy. Atop the fabric laid a small box and a card.

The card read:

'I took the liberty to provide you with something appropriate to wear for tonight. I hope you find the dress and jewellery to your liking. It would go especially well with braided hair.


The piece of cloth was a fancy dress, with plenty embellishments and a decorated neckline. It was embroidered with flowers, which made me smile – which I then scolded myself for. It was a deep wine colour and had flared sleeves. The box contained pearl-shaped ruby earrings set in contrasting silver. In the modern world this would've been quite kitsch, quite opulent. The necklace was like a choker, made of silver and with a large ruby in the centre. I dressed as was expected of me, revelling in the glamour for the first time in more than a month. I took the hint from the card and braided my hair as best I could by myself. As a finishing touch I pinched my cheeks and rubbed my lips.

Geralt sat at a table in the inn, playing gwent.

"Hey, I'm going now." I said, feeling the entire inn stare at me. "I feel very uncomfortable."

Geralt raised both his eyebrows. "Have fun. Do I need to worry if you don't come back before morning?"

I shook my head. "Probably not. Goodnight."

O'Dimm was already outside when I stepped out, I lifted the hem of the dress as best I could as I stepped over the muddy puddles. He had changed his attire as well, now dressing in a flashier doublet. His orange and blue colours replaced by navy blue, which was barely visible in the street lanterns, and black, with simple embroidered details around the collar.

"Greetings, Annabel. You look stunning."

I twirled, letting the volume of the skirt flare. "I hope it is to your liking, Master Mirror." I couldn't keep the sarcasm from my voice. He held out his arm for me to take and we walked over the cobblestones through the streets of Oxenfurt.

"So what is the plan tonight?" I asked. The warmth of his body warmed me more than it should, in places it shouldn't.

"Right now there is a man, who feasts more irresponsibly than most. Who desires women outside his marriage. He likes inexperienced girls." He said, more serious than usual. "He is a man of the theatre. We will find him in plentiful company. I want you to stand out and attract his attention."

"I shall act as a sacred virgin, blushing and timid." I said with a mocking tone.

"He lures girls to him with promises of fortune and fame, a chance in the spotlights, but leads them away from life so no one will uncover his sins."

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