Part thirteen: A walk by the river with the Man of Glass *

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Welcome again :)

This chapter features sexual content.

Things are moving along now. Sorry it took so long, I took forever going back n forth, adding more detail, changing dialouge etc. Wanted this to be good.

So, I hope you enjoy!

Part thirteen:

O'Dimm stood outside as I left the building.

"Care for a stroll?" he asked, offering me his arm again. "The night's still young and too beautiful to waste."

Again, my heart fluttered at his words and his smile. I looked up at the breath-taking amount of stars that were still as stunning as the first time I saw them. "You're right. Can we walk by the water?" I curled my fingers around his forearm. Thoughts of a blissful, romantic night with him by the river filled my head. Shit. The casual touch and his body heat seeping through his tunic didn't help either.

We walked in silence. I could sense his eyes on me we walked. As soon as we reached the bridge, I let go of him to stare out over the calmly rustling water. There was no moon that night, nor much wind.

"I thought I might motivate you, now that you're halfway to completing your favours." He pressed his fingertips together.

"And how would you do that?" I asked, my curiosity piqued. I rested my elbows on the stone railing. He smiled softly, his eyes slowly taking in every inch of my face. I tried my best to ignore it and the tension in my lower abdomen.

"You can ask me a question, any question, and I will answer."

Was this an attempt to make me trust him more? Just the thing I needed. He gazed past me into the water, a relaxed smile on his lips. "How generous. Let me think."

I took my time thinking over what I wanted to ask, but kept getting stuck when looking at O'Dimms profile in the light of many stars. No way he didn't notice me staring, but he was letting me look. "I have one: how do you know who will sign a contract with you? How do you know who wants things so deeply?"

He turned to me, his hazel eyes were warm. I remembered the flowers I gave him before, and wanted to do it again. It won't surprise him anymore, but what could it hurt. "It takes a special kind of person to go as far as to sign a contract with me. Not many would. Most would make small deals, no problem, but the big ones..." his gaze smouldered and I shuddered despite the pleasant summer breeze that brought the aroma on flowers. "Those are made only by people who think they are more clever than me. They believe they can trick me with their demands, to make sure I'll never be able to claim my debt."

"Like Olgierd." I stated.

His eyes glinted. The mark on my wrist started to itch and I scratched it absentmindedly.

He leaned forward on the stone railing, so close I could smell him; honey and firewood. "Indeed, like Olgierd."

I opened my mouth to say something, but couldn't find the words. Instead just nodded. O'Dimm examined me, patient. Like a lion in waiting.

"Can I ask another question, unrelated?" He gestured for me to go ahead. I opened my mouth again, but stopped myself before I could speak. I was about to ask about the mark, why it would burn or itch whenever I was... intimate with others, but he wouldn't answer, if I even wanted to know the answer. "Never mind, it's nothing."

A curious look in his eyes made me shiver, goose bumps climbing up my arms. "I have a question for you, in return." I raised my eyebrows. One of his fingers curled underneath my chin and forced me to meet his dark gaze. "How many more partners will you go through, before you try me?" Our noses almost touched, his breathe tickled my lips and I gulped. "I've kept all your flowers, Annabel." His voice was just a whisper and goddamnit I felt so needy.

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