Part three: The meeting at the crossroads

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Welcome again, dear readers!

I've really been enjoying writing in this universe, so I hope others like it as well and am open for all feedback.

Artwork by Ivan Shirshkin.

Implied sexual content.

Part three:

After coming undone several times and of course returning the favour, I left the hut in the 'new' black dress, with tingling lips and a spring in my step. It did not take long to find Geralt, I sat down with him in the tavern, but not before washing my hands thoroughly.

He cocked an eyebrow and greeted me. In front of him sat a bowl of steaming chicken stew. "Had a successful day?"

I couldn't help but grin. "There was this lovely girl after I worked in the fields, she gave me her old dress. The black is just perfect. No one will notice any stains on this."

Geralt chuckled. "I see you two got along nicely." His gaze pointedly rested on my chest. As I gazed down, I saw a small pink spot that wasn't quite covered by the dress. I cursed silently and tried tucking my dress differently. It was probably inappropriate, but as a modern, shameless harlot of a woman, I couldn't bring myself to care.

"Are you ready for tonight?" I asked. I took out some bread from the pocket underneath the dress that Bridget had given me and dipped it in Geralts soup, before eating it.

He shrugged in answer to my question. "There's not much we can do to prepare. Unless... you know what will happen."

"I do." I said, chewing until my mouth was empty. "He will send you, or us, to collect a debt. From Olgierd. He seems like a normal man, but he really isn't." I took another bite.

"Doesn't seem there's much we can do."

"Yeah, it doesn't matter. You'll get out fine."

"What about you?" he finished eating and looks at me.

"I can't see what'll happen , but it'll probably the same as you." I had told Geralt that I sometimes see things in the future, to explain my knowledge of certain situations beforehand. I could tell he was curious, but he never probed and I appreciated that. There's no easy way to say: this is all a dream to me, you're nothing but fiction. "Best to be careful, but I guess you're always careful." I shrugged. Then I stood to order some food from the coin I earned that day. I bought Geralt another beer as well.

I sat down again, setting down the soup carefully and shoving the beer towards Geralt. He nodded in thanks. "How has your day been? Any luck on contracts?"

"There's a hunter outside the village that could use a hand with some wild dogs or something. I'll hunt with him first thing tomorrow."

I nodded in response. "I suppose we won't stay here for long, will we?"

Geralt shook his head. "And don't worry about tonight. Like you said, it'll be fine."

After dinner, I went to the room to get a few hours of sleep. Geralt woke me and we wordlessly walked to the crossroads. We didn't have to wait long before O'Dimm appeared, sitting on a slanted wooden pillar underneath the willow trees.

O'Dimm greeted us with whistling. "I knew you'd come."

Geralt asked him questions and they talked. O'Dimm expressed his fascination in real people with real stories and proceeded to tell Olgierd's tale. I must admit, I wasn't paying close attention. It seemed to drag out, as I remembered most of it and I felt the conversation wasn't for me. I don't belong here. Instead I took a knife out of Geralts belt and cut three sunflowers. Their thick stems gave me a little trouble, even with the knife. I could try sharpening it for him tomorrow if there's a blacksmith around. My fingers and palms were irritated from the rough hairs on the stems, but I didn't mind. Yellow is truly the most cheerful colour. I wondered what Geralt would do with a flower, how it would suit him.

I listened to the rest of the conversation, just as O'Dimm was praising his wares.

"... lack neither food nor drink. As a Witcher, you might desire weapons supreme. Your body, agile as never before... Romantic prowess to charm all womenkind. But above all I offer a great and true adventure, an experience like no other, the fate of only the chosen few."

"Sure sounds generous. All that for my help with one small matter? Won't want anything else from me?" Geralt answered. I sauntered back over to the two, looking at O'Dimm from the corner of my eyes.

"Just one. Honesty." Then O'Dimm looked at me, it felt like I zapped my finger on static electricity, I couldn't help but jerk my head up to meet his eyes. "And as for you, lady Annabel, I will tell you what I want from you in just a moment."

"How much does Olgierd owe you?" asked Geralt. They discussed the nature of the deal, which I already knew. A shiver ran down my spine. Then the two men discussed what should be done, Olgierds three wishes, and I was included in the conversation again.

"You can Annabel with you if you wish. She might enjoy the adventure. I however, have another favour to ask of her." I narrowed my eyes at him just a sliver. He was still smiling. Geralt and him finished their agreement.

"What is this favour you want from me?" I asked. I looked at the large sunflowers in my hands, gave one to Geralt, which he took with a questioning look. After seeing him with the cheerful flower, I decided yellow's not his colour. Perhaps I'll find better fitting flowers someday.

"It is similar to what I ask of our dear Witcher. Come with me, but not to collect a debt. I ask you to help me charm a few men. I wonder how much easier it would be with such a lovely woman present."

"I'm no courtesan." This time it was my turn to object, although I knew it would be futile in the end.

O'Dimm spoke again, and while he gestured with his hands, I planted one of the flowers in his hand, curling his fingers around it. Our touch lingered and I quickly withdrew. "I'm well aware, but that is your charm." Upon receiving the flower, his smile reached his eyes for just a moment, although it easily could've been a trick of the light. There was no surprise on his face, only amusement. "You don't have to pretend you're innocent with me, it's plain to see you're no stranger to seduction. I also ask for honesty."

I sighed. "I guess there's not much to be done about it, even though I'm sure it's morally undesirable."

He ignored my comment and clasped his hands together. "Very well then, I will retrieve you tomorrow evening for our first outing. And I will see you when you reach the Von Everec Estate. Good evening to you both!" with that cheerful remark, he walked away, sunflower in hand, leaving Geralt and me to stare at his back.

"What was that all about?" he asked, gesturing with his sunflower. I rubbed my eyes, which felt heavy with sleep.

I shrugged. "Wanted to catch him off-guard to see how he'd react I guess. He'll be keeping an eye on us from now on. I'm so tired I could fall asleep while standing."

"Let's go back then." Geralt grumbled and we went back to the room in the inn.

Lynch Albert - Gathering Flowers

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Lynch Albert - Gathering Flowers.

Honey and Sulphur (Witcher/Gaunter O'Dimm story) Completed!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt