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as soon as 4 of them get on the abandon van, seungcheol immediately pulled off as fast as he can. they need to get out of region as soon as possible. while seungcheol was driving, chan remembered he had brought something with him.

he dove his hand in his short's pocket and held a picture of him and both of his father on his sports' day.

"this is the only thing that i have."

"hey, kid listen. you have to promise me one thing. please don't lose hope because i know we can survive this. promise me on behalf of your father."

chan looked at soonyoung straight into his eyes and nod his head repeatedly. another 1 hour left for them to survive.

they're grateful that they able to escape the unsafe region behind them.

seungcheol drove them towards the safe house zone in the other district and finally they arrived the place.

as soon as they entered the safe zone, there are tons of people with exhaustion flooding the house.

"guys, this is it." seokmin said while glancing at soonyoung who is holding chan's hand and seungcheol.

"i can't believe we're safe now." soonyoung said in disbelief while looking at chan and gave a big smile.

for the past 24 hours, he had lost jihoon, the person whom he love the most and chan, lost both of his father, who look after him since he was a fetus.

out of 13 people, only 4 of them lucky enough in this disaster survival.

this is the story in which they have to survive together for 24 hours.

the end.

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