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1 hour to go before the residence of sunset heights need to stay in the house for 24 hours. jeonghan sat on the couch while playing with 7 years old chan, his son. he adopt chan when chan was 2. now he's happily married to jisoo. (sorry more of a jihan shipper)

" papa, why we should locked all the doors and windows? " chan asked his father, jeonghan. " well, because its for our safety. i dont want you to get hurt. " jeonghan replied while pinching chan's cheeks playfully.

1 hour to go before they need to be extra careful with their surroundings. jeonghan looked at the clock on the wall. its already 6:05 pm and jisoo is not home yet.

he is worried.

a few moments later, jeonghan heard the doorknob twisted. " im home! " jisoo shout from the door. " oh my god! why are you so late? you almost gave me a heart attack! " jeonghan approached jisoo and hit his chest.

" aww, im sorry. something came up in the office just now. dont be mad. " jisoo said while closing the door behind him.

" daddy, i miss you so much!!! why are you so late? " chan ran and approached jisoo while hugging jisoo's leg.

" i miss my boy too. " jisoo said and kiss chan's forehead. jeonghan cant help himself from smiling. he admit that he is happy with his life. but he is afraid. afraid that for the next 24 hours he will lose the one he love.

" hannie, are you alright? " jisoo asked jeonghan worriedly. he reached jeonghan's hand and hold it tightly. god knows how much he loves jeonghan.

" jisoo what if i die? will you able to live without me? "

" hey, dont say that. dont be afraid. we can survive this. we are in this together. me, you and chan. " jisoo replied to reassure jeonghan that everything is going to be alright.

" i love you and i know that you knew it. " jisoo added and peck jeonghan's lips.

" we will survive. " jisoo hug jeonghan and chan.

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