twenty three

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after minghao appeared out of sudden, juns eyes started to soften. minghao reached both of his hand to hold juns cheeks. it breaks his heart seeing jun in that condition.

without him realizing, hot tears rolling down his cheeks. fortunately, jun didn't feel like attacking minghao at that particular moment.

"junnie, before i die, i want you to know that i love you. yes, it may seems i didn't care the time that you always tell me that you love me. but deep down my heart, i was grateful that you did. you've always been there for me since we're in diapers-"

minghao chuckles in tears, remembering the time he shared ice cream with jun when they're in kindergarten.

"-and theres no way im leaving you suffering alone."

minghao took a glance at soonyoung and wave his hand to ask soonyoung to come nearer.

soonyoung was in fear but he walked slowly and fight the pain on his ankle towards minghao.

minghao took soonyoung's hand while smiling heavily. he gave a note to soonyoung and he opened his palm and saw a note that was written by minghao,


minghao nod his head and said, "we'll be fine.."

soonyoung was in dilemma whether he should go or not.

"but minghao what-"


chan sat beside jeonghan who is sleeping. everyone was asleep except for chan. he can't sleep and he can't forget the time that he saw jisoo almost died.

chan was crying silently and soonyoung who is sitting across chan realize that chan was sobbing lightly. he took a sit in front of chan and tap chan's shoulder lightly.

"hey kid, you good? why are you crying?" soonyoung asked chan softly.

chan looked up and saw soonyoung's concerned face. chan shook his head and wipe his tears with the back of his hand.

"nothing. im hungry."

chan lied.

"come on, let's find food together.

chan and soonyoung was sitting together in the ice cream shop since chan said that he was craving for ice cream.

both of them were sitting on the floor while eating their ice cream. suddenly chan asked, "uncle, do you think we can survive?"

chan said while licking the back of his icecreams spoon. "kid, listen. all of us will survive okay? do not lose hope! do you love both of your father?"

soonyoung asked and chan nod his head repeatedly.

"if you love them, promise me you will help your parents throughout this survival and listen to whatever they said okay?"

chan showed and 'okay' sign with his fingers while smiling. soonyoung kissed chan's forehead as if it was his son.

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