Chapter 17.5: ...Before the storm

Start from the beginning

I wander about the district, keeping my baton at the ready in case of an ambush from Augustine. Looking around, it's...dark. The moon is barely shining enough light to see, only being about half full, and lack of knowledge about where Augustine actually is in the Historic District is really messing with me. But something instinctual is guiding me. Guiding me to...A parking structure.

And there I saw her. Brooke Augustine. A...respectable soldier turned murder and criminal, delusional in thinking that she's doing the right thing. She calls down to me from the top level of the parking structure.

Augustine: "You finally made it."

(Y/N): "Yes. I did."

Augustine: "Did you give any thought into what I said?"

(Y/N): "I did. And I decided that you're completely insane and I'm going to shove my foot directly up your ass."

Augustine sighed at my hatred of her, and I heard cracking from Behind me. Instinctively, I dodge rolled to the side, a concrete spike missing my back. I started to sprint towards the parking structure, Augustine launching concrete bullets and trying to stab me with spikes. The buildings start to get damaged and fall around me as collateral from Augustine's attack, one falling onto the parking structure and all most crushing Augustine, forming a convenient ramp.

Making my way closer and closer to Augustine, I press a hidden button on my Baton, and throw it at her. She blocks it with a small concrete wall, only for it to blow up and blast her back into a car. Finally on her level, I make a mad dash toward her, her getting up and starting to collapse the parking structure from underneath me, but at the time, I was to blinded by rage to notice. I grabbed her by the throat, concrete wrapping around my leg like a hand as I punched her directly in the face. I could hear a crack when my fist hit her temple.

The structure gave way, me being yanked down with it with Augustine still in my grip. She was dazed from the hit to the head, probably fading in and out of consciousness from both lack of oxygen and a concussion, but in a desperate bid to save herself from the falling structure, made all of the concrete float. I hit a floating piece, causing me to lose my grip on Augustine's throat, and she fell. Then, the floating concrete slowly, shakily, then suddenly fell onto her. Almost Buried be me along with her, but I managed to stay out of the way of the falling debris.

I remember thinking:

"Is that it? She can't be dead that easy. Right?"

After all, she was extremely powerful. Then again, it was her quirk that was powerful, not her body. According to my research, she stopped doing militaristic training after she abandoned her unit. And she was getting older, so maybe her body started to get more frail. But then again...again, why is the wall still up? Maybe it'll just have to be destroyed by hand later.

I lay there in extreme disbelief for what felt like forever, though it couldn't have been more than a minute or two, trying to convince myself that she was in fact dead while I caught my breath. This is the woman that killed my mother. This is the woman that killed innocent people under some sort of insane illusion of righteousness. So why does this victory, this long awaited vengeance feel so...empty?

I tried not to think about that at the time. Getting up and dragging myself over to the wall, I kicked it with the foot covered in concrete until the concrete shattered, and then I went to try and find either a generator to get some of the lights back on in this district, or Cole so I can help him put Kessler 6 feet under. Whichever came first.


Izumi: "You...Killed somebody? For vengeance?"

(Y/N): "Izumi, I know that you might not understand why someone would do that. I know how...well, innocent you are, for lack of a better word. Hell, I've never even heard you cuss. But let me ask you this; if someone was to kill All Might, or Bakugo, or your mother, or even me...what would you do?"

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