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Hello friends! I wouldn't be posting this if it wasn't a serious issue

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Hello friends! I wouldn't be posting this if it wasn't a serious issue. As some of you know, or may not know there are terrible fires in my home country of Australia! and we need your help desperately!

The stats so far:

500,000,000 (half a billion) animals have now perished.

20 people have died (known, hundreds are lost)

Tens of thousands of people have been evacuated.

Over 15 million hectares of land are burnt.

Victoria and New South Whales (our biggest states) have been declared as a state of emergency for the first time in history.

There fires are over 24x the size of the amazon rain forest fires, yet don't even make a marking on the media coverage.


What you can do:

Donate! (If you can. Every cent counts)

SHARE ON SOCIAL MEDIA. If you share a post on Instagram to your followers this can help so much! or on Twitter or anywhere! We need more media coverage!!! Every share counts!

Encourage others to get the word out! 

Please share. Please get the word out. Our firefighters are exhausted, and the government is useless at this time. We need help and we need it right now!!!!!


Go look up on Instagram for more videos, and information. There are news reports and such, please beware some may be scary but this is our reality right now. 

#nswfires #australia #bushfires #victoriafires

Some photos I've taken from Instagram to put it into perceptive 

Some photos I've taken from Instagram to put it into perceptive 

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