Ch 20

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I let all my tears fall out. I hated life. why me? Out of all people, it had to be me. I was going crazy I just couldn't handle this anymore, I needed Cameron. only he would understand me. but I couldn't go to him. he will get mad if I tell him I let Matt hurt me again. I looked around the bathroom, then I spotted something I think I've been looking for this whole time. The razor.
I picked it up and broke it, and then grabbed a blade and held it over my skin. inches away from my wrist.
I can't do this. but then again, it's what everyone wants. no one loves me, I'm just a bother, a person that gets in the way. I brought the blade in contact with my wrist. it's been months, since the last time I did this. it felt good.
I started going deeper and deeper and did a few more the same way. the last one I went deeper than I ever have , the blood was gushing out, and I started feeling weak, but it felt nice. my legs were giving up on me, and my eyelids started feeling heavy. my vision was getting blurry and my ears started blocking all the noises. the last thing I heard was,
"Stephanie- HOLY FUCKING SHIT, CALL CAMERON AND 911, STEPH CAN YOU HEAR ME" then it all went black.
Sorry the words In The video have Spanish lyrics to them, other than that here's a small update.

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