Ch 27

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(Btw the winner for the cover contest is @argelia55)
I woke up Lying on a bed and I had a bad headache. Where was I? I asked myself. I got up and pain shot through my body.
"Hello, is anyone here?" I yelled.
"Oh sweetie you're awake!" Said a lady.
"Who are you?" I asked.
"I'm your mom honey quit playing games." She said and chuckled.
"I'm not playing I seriously don't know who you are?" I said backing away from her.
"What do you mean? Honey I'm your mom how could you not remember me?" She said tearing up.
"I'm sorry but I don't remember you" I said looking down.
"Cameron!!" The lady yelled .
"Wha- Stephanie!!you're awake!" The cute boy said.
"Who are you? And how do you people know me?" I said pulling away from his hug.
"What are you talking about I'm your brother, Cameron" he said.
"I'm sorry I don't remember you guys, ow!" I said in pain
"What's wrong?" Asked the lady.
"I woke up and my head hurt really bad" I said rubbing my temple.
"Oh that must have been when your father hit you with the bat on your head" she said tearing up.
"We should get you to the hospital." Cameron suggested
"No I'm fine" I said going back to the bed.
"Well we just have to make sure there are no injuries or damages done to you." she said and we got in the car and headed to the hospital.
Once we got there the lady checked me in and we waited. I sat down and there was a girl next to me who was looking down and seemed as if she was crying.
"Are you alright?" I asked her.
"Huh, oh yea I'm fine" she said wiping her tears away.
"I'm Stephanie" I said holding out my hand
"I'm Argelia" she said shaking it.
"Why are you here" I asked her
"My mom has cancer and she fainted and I'm waiting for them to tell me if she will be alright." she said looking down and tearing up again.
"Why are you here?" She asked me.
"I got hit in the head and I guess I have memory loss" I said letting out a sigh.
"Oh that must suck" she said
"Yea I hate seeing them in pain knowing I can't remember them" I said looking at Cameron and the lady that says she's my mom.
"Stephanie Dallas" a nurse called out. I was still sitting down when Argelia said something.
"Isn't that you?" She asked.
"What's my name again?" I asked her.
"Stephanie" she said
"Oh yeah, that's me" I said getting up and walking inside the room.
After all the exams they did they finally told us what the results were.
"Ok so she doesn't have any damages so that's good. her memory is kinda off, she should remember some stuff but she should get most of it back in a week or so and she will only remember what she can so most likely she won't remember everything." he said and gave us the result sheets.
We walked out and I saw Argelia crying harder than she was before. I ran up to her.
"What's wrong?!" I asked hugging her.
"My mom passed away" she said sobbing into my shoulder.
"I'm so sorry it will get better, why don't you come over today to my house and we can talk it out." I suggested and we exchanged numbers and we headed out.
Once we got home there was a person knocking on the door and waiting for it to be opened. we got out and walked towards the door. when the person turned around I remembered him. I wanted to panic and scream.
"Get him away from me!" I yelled
"Stephanie it's just me" he said
"No you are the one that bullied me and always hit me and called me bad names, it was you wasn't it Matthew." I said getting in his face.
He stayed quiet.
"I hate you you never liked me as a friend, you always hated me and now I hate you." I yelled and stormed off to my room.
Hey lovelies 😘 I'm fixing all the authors notes onto chapters cuz I don't want them on here so just ignore them at the end.
-catch Ya on the flip side ✌️🌴💕

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