Ch 10

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The day went by so fast I was surprised when I got home Cameron was waiting for me.

"Hey how was school?" He asked me.

"Same as usual, boring" I said.

"Oh I wanted to ask you something" he said.

"Yeah what is it?" I asked him.

"Okay well I was going to ask you if you wanted to come to mag con with me?" he asked.

"OMG yes yes yes yes yes yes yes thank you so much!" I squealed with excitement.

I ran upstairs and grab the suitcase,I put everything I needed in there starting with shirts, underwear pants bras my make up and pajamas.

I walked back downstairs and saw cameron hasn't moved.

"Wow you packed that fast, and I thought girls took longer" he said sarcastically.

"Hey stop it I was excited okay" I said giggling.

"Okay so we're leaving tomorrow I'm a go to the store real quick and buy some food because Maddie is going to be taking care of the house so I'm a go buy some for her to eat." he said

"Why can't she buy her own stuff?" I asked him.

"Because Stephanie, we are going to be gone for two weeks, and she's going to be taking care of the house here ,so, the least I could do is buy her some food." He said grabbing his keys.

"Every single time you have been gone I've been taking care of the house and you haven't bought me food!?" I questioned him.

"But she is a guest and you're lucky I'm taking you with me so watch it Dallas!" he said heading for the door.

"Yeah I will you don't know how I get when I don't get food so you better watch of dallas!" i mimicked him.

I walk past him and grab my longboard. I was running it up the street when I fell.

"Ow!" I groaned in pain.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry" I recognized that voice it was Matthews.

"Oh it's you" he said.

"Yeah it's me why don't you watch where you're going next time damn" I said in a harsh tone, and walked away, but he pulled my arm back.

"Stephanie I'm really so-" I cut him off.

"If your breath Matthew I don't really care what you have to say, I am so glad that I am leaving with Cameron for the next two weeks at least I won't have to put up with you" I said and kept walking.

"You're going?" he asked me.

"Yes I'm leaving to Michigan for two weeks." I said.

"You are so stupid, remember the day when I went out because it was the day that cameron got here, remember how he told you how I was in vine and youtube? well I'm going to." he said.

"No there's nothing that you can do to me, because Cameron is going to be there, and you won't be able to even touch me." I said and walked off.

"I'll see you in Michigan." he said smirking.



Hey guys so sorry I haven't updated I've been busy with school and the math is really hard so I need to focus on that, but I will try my hardest to update. on another note I got the iOS 8 and it's kinda weird looking like it has a recorder where you can send audio messages and video messages but I like it other than the fact that you can't see when you get like an Instagram notification or Snapchat but it's alright. anyways don't forget to comment



Love you guys😘


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