Sirius*Group Project PT1

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Screw. Group. Projects.

I mean c'mon, what teacher actually thinks they're a good idea? Either you're with your friends and get no work done because you would rather do anything else than the actual project or you're with random people in your class who couldn't give an owl's feather if you passed or not.

Also, it's Hogwarts. Magic isn't a group activity. Only one person actually fires the spell! But no Slughorn decided there was too much animosity in the class, so he wanted to 'break down house division' and 'help us see eye to eye'.

Bull. Ever since James and lily actually got together there's been no teenage drama for him to watch. So here we are waiting for him to go through his list as we stand at the front of the class. The chatter among my, albeit small, friend group died as he began to read. As the names were called out the group of 4 had to go find a station.

The stations began filling, from the back of course, and my friend group got smaller and smaller until I was stood there, alone, with 11 random classmates. Every group so far had someone from each house meaning at least 2 people were glaring at each other in every group.

I looked at the 10 others still up here. 2 Slytherins, 2 Hufflepuffs, 2 Ravenclaws, and 4 Gryffindor's. This means there was at least 1 three. Not to promote stereotypes but please let me be in a group with a Ravenclaw! Or even a Slytherin, they get shit done! Hufflepuffs are nice about the fact they don't do any work and Gryffindor's are so hit or miss you don't know what's happening till the presentation! Not to be judgemental of course.

Luckily for me though I had no beef with anyone in the class. Some groups all were glaring at each other and some were refusing to even look at them.

3 more groups. C'mon. As he read 4 more names, none of which were mine, I watched as the two Ravenclaws, Hufflepuff, and Gryffindor walked away. Please be with the Slytherins, I kept repeating in my mind. And then he called 4 names...and none were mine...I was in a three..." So that means (Y/L/N), Mr. Black, and Mr. Davies will be our three. How exciting? Now I do believe there should be a station left,"

I just walked to the last station, easily the grimiest workbench in front of the storage cupboard by Slughorn's desk and dumped my stuff. Soon Hufflepuff's quidditch team captain sat across from me, his head instantly going on the desk. At least he was here, the other dude, I don't know his first name, was over at James station starting a fight with Snape! And I only knew their names because it was the class's whole drama for the past week!

As the steam cleared from my ears, I saw a piece of paper fall on my desk. As I opened it, I overheard Slughorn telling Black to go sit down. 'Good luck xx'. "What's that?" The Gryffindor leaned over me to try to see my note. Rolling my eyes, I flipped it over to write a response and he sat next to me without another word.

"Okay class," Slughorn proceeded to explain the project, not even noticing the paper flying between my friend and me. it sounded okay. Not exactly easy but not hard since the work was divided between four, well three for us, but still.

We had a week. It was okay, doable. Sure, it was a lot of waiting for things to brew but it'll be fine. Until I saw the potion written down. It wasn't like most potions where you mixed some ingredients together...we had to make 3 potions to then mix into one big potion then add some other weird ingredient!

The class was filled with chatter once Slughorn stopped talking. We were supposed to start planning our potion. My group, however, was silent. Sirius, as I had now learned, was passing notes between James and him in the most obvious way and I could hear the snores from the boy whose name I still didn't know.

I'm not about to feed into Slughorn's want of drama, especially since I don't want to start something, so I began to write down a rough plan. Basically, a to-do list then we just had to assign the tasks.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2020 ⏰

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