Dating Harry Would Include...

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*Comforting him through everything he deals with

*Sassy comebacks 24/7

*Dates in honeydukes and the three broomsticks

*Him teaching you quidditch

*Sharing notes


*Harry being the little spoon

*Sneaking into each others common rooms

*Midnight kitchen raids

*Sitting with each other each meal no matter what house your in

*Believing him when voldemort comes back


*Holding hands

*Joking about how many near death experience he's had

*Sirius approves completely

*Molly hearing and being proud of Harry

*While Remus is a teacher he never points out the notes you pass

*Passing notes

*Umbitch hating you because of Harry

*Being close with the rest of the trio

*McGonagall shipping it

             "They remind me of Lily and James."

*Surprising him at the Dursley's

*Them not knowing your a witch and the like you

*until they find out that is

*Loving each other no matter what

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