Sirius Black*Sunsets

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Sirius X Reader

James X Sister!Reader

Growing up as James Potters younger sister was hard. He was an erratic little fucker who tried to make my life hell. But hey! What are brothers for?

We were kind of close growing up...until he went to Hogwarts. Hogwarts stole my brother from me.

He had just finished the first year and was finally back for summer. However, a week after he was back there was a knock on the door. In spilt Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew and Sirius Black. They were all having a sleepover so didn't really care about me. I didn't care about them either.

Well until...


As I walked through the kitchen door the next morning a bucket of water soaked me. Looking at the 4 culprits who hadn't stopped laughing I was filled with anger. You know how scary a 9-year-old is. Not really. Like at all.

I ended up chasing them which resulted in them chasing me. Sirius was the fastest of the bunch and decided to try to tackle me. He did but it also resulted in me tumbling down a large hill, getting dirt and grass in my mouth and breaking my leg for the first time.

Fond memories. *Rolls eyes*

Later I would go to Hogwarts too but James reputation still hit me hard. Troublemaker to teachers and a jokester to students. After a while, people realised I wasn't about to turn the potions corridor into a lake or blow up the staff toilets.

I made friends in most houses but especially my own (Y/H). I dated a few people. James ended up threatening most of them when he found out.

I hated it back then and loved it at the same time. Looking back I see nothing but love.

Hell, I even dated Sirius Black for a month!

That turned awkward quick though so we broke up. I still liked him but sometimes plans change.

After my Hogwarts years, the war was brewing. I wasn't a fighter though I would have joined the order if James had let me. Instead, I heading into the muggle world.

I was working from home as a potions maker/spell maker and lived in a simple flat. I integrated well into the muggle world, something James teased me for.

I haven't been back to the family house in about a year. Maybe longer. But it was James and Lily's wedding, something I couldn't miss.

Because of this I borrowed my friend's muggle car and started the road trip. Being on a road trip alone is boring so thank Merlin for music and talking to people on the phone (on the speakerphone, don't text and drive).

I blast the radio after my muggle best friend hung up on me. Tiny dancer, yes! I can't help but belt out the lyrics.

I'm getting so close to the house now, maybe 4 miles away. Their getting married in a church nearby so their staying at the house. I'm pretty sure some of James's friends are too but I can't be sure. Probably the marauders.

This road trip makes me think of the time I hung out a lot with James and his friends at Hogwarts. It was only for about 3 months when all my friends were dating someone and didn't pay me attention, and the time I dated Sirius for a month.

At first, he didn't want me there, scared I would 'rat' on him but eventually gave in. at that point, we were all dumb and thought smoking was cool. Apart from Remus. Peter barely ever actually took a draw unless James was looking. He always creeped me out but he was ok.

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