Dating Luna Would Include

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⦁ Her asking you out with enchanted flowers

⦁ Her randomly saying random facts

⦁ "Did you know Quidditch is also known as Ikarosfairke or "Ikarus ball," which refers to the Greek myth of Icarus who flew too close to the sun. His wings melted and he fell into the sea and drowned."

⦁ "I just asked if you wanted to play,"

⦁ Your first date was a picnic in the forbidden forest

⦁ Luna showing you all the magical creatures

⦁ Defending her from bullies

⦁ Her being seemingly oblivious to the bullies

⦁ Her telling you "I know what they say. That I'm crazy. But know I don't care what they think. Only what you do. So you can stop getting yourself in detention for beating them up,"

⦁ Luna giving you small trinkets all the time

⦁ Her enchanting you protection charms and gifts

⦁ You giving her flowers all the time

⦁ Being the first the get a copy if the Quibbler

⦁ secretly reading the daily prophet

⦁ You're always playing with her hair

⦁ Hanging out by a small lake in the forbidden forest

⦁ or in the makeshift tree house, you made in the forest

⦁ Being nervous at first but trusting luna

⦁ Hanging out during summer

⦁ Her dad loving you

⦁ Becoming weirder while your dating

⦁ Getting matching magical tattoos

⦁ Your always taking her photo

⦁ Moving in together

⦁ Your house becomes a mini hospital for any injured creatures

⦁ She's not as innocent as she looks

⦁ Having a lot of pets

⦁ Her growing up to study animals

⦁ After a long day she always knows how to relax you

⦁ Hardly ever fighting because she's so chill

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