Dating Hermione would include

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Study dates that turn into make outs in the back of the library

Playing with her hair

Helping out with SPEW

Loving how passionate and caring she is

Holding hands

Ranting to each other

"And then Ronald had the audacity to..."

"Girl, you need to hear what Malfoy was saying"

Threatening Malfoy when he insults her

He backs off and doesn't admit he's scared of you

Recommending books to each other

Reading dates

Your first date was at a bookstore

Her making sure you always do your homework

You making sure she always has a lest a little downtime


When you move in together you end up with 3 cats

You would learn a lot about muggles

Trying to teach her quidditch

"Get mE dOwN!"

"You fought Bellatrix but cant handle a broom?"


Being proud to be dating a badass

Dates by the black lakes

Dates at the astronomy tower

Dates in the room of requirement

So many dates

Not being surprised when she glowed up at the Yule ball because you always knew she was a 10

If you're a Gryffindor girl convincing McGonagall to let you room with Mione so you can cuddle

Also if you're a girl you would run from Harry and Ron and hide in the girl's dormitories

If you're a guy she would sneak you in

Her getting jealous a lot

"Haven't they ever heard of personal space?"

Fighting over what ship was better

"Malec is the best ship of all time-"

"Stidia though"

Kisses on the check

Being Hogwarts couple goals

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