Preference 17*How they get your attention

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I did get some of these from my tmi preferences but you try think of 25 original ones. If you do actually please tell me.....

Harry:  He'll say your name over and over and over and over again until you finally turn to him in annoyance. Most of the times he'll just say 'hi' and peck your lips.

Ron: He grabs your hand. He just does it and expects attention, sometimes you ignore him to tease so he'll wrap his arm round your waist.

Hermione: If you were on the couches or sitting near the black lake she would lie down and put her head on your legs. She would lie across you if you were alone. In class if she sat next to you she would hold your hand. If she was not next to you she would make parchment butterflies and enchant them to fly over.

Draco: He'll follow you around and stare at you until you finally looked up. If you commented on his staring he would say he was 'admiring the masterpiece'.

Fred: He would pout and put his hand on your leg or waist. It got your attention most, if not all, the time.

George: He would start throwing things at you. Not a lot or anything big. He's tear up bits of paper into tiny balls and throw them at you. Rubbers, parchment, sweets or even an ink pot sometimes. You could ignore the little things but when that ink pot came at you during transfiguration's, you screamed. It never hurt, well much, but it would frighten you when it was a freakin ink pot.

Luna: She would hug you. She would pull you close no matter what you were doing and snuggle in. She didn't care if it seemed clingy. It got your attention most  of the time so she kept doing it.

Ginny: She would kiss you. It didn't matter where; forehead, check, hand, lips or even neck. It got your attention 9 out of 10 times.

Young James: If you were working he'd sit right next to you and put his chin on your shoulder. He would read whatever you were doing. Most of the time you paid attention after a few minutes but sometimes instantly and hide whatever you don't want him to read. *Cough smut cough*

Young Sirius: He would tap. He would drum his fingers off the table, tap a beat with his feet, tap you or anything involving tapping. You would get annoyed easily by this but learned to keep composure....for like 5 minutes. After you snapped he would fake pout and say sorry then kiss you.

Young Remus: Depending on how he felt he would do one of two things:

Whatever had your attention he would take. Reading a book, snatched out your hands. Writing, pen chucked across the room. Something he couldn't pick up, he'd put you over his shoulder. It was annoying sometimes but funny too.


He would "accidently" nudge you a lot. Hands brushing, shoulders bumping, anything that wasn't too obvious and annoy you.

If it was closer to the full moon he was more likely to do the first one. However he sometimes got shy and just brushed your hand.

Young Lily: She would hum. She'd start humming some random tune. Anything from the starwars theme tune to the beatles. Sometimes she would start singing some of it. Not loudly though.

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