Fred Weasley*I thought you'd never ask

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A/N: Sorry its so late. I'm back at school after study leave and I forgot how much I hate people my age

I never break the rules. Well, the teachers think. More accurately I haven't been caught. So, when I hear pounding footsteps my breath hitches as I look for a hiding place.

Its near midnight and I'm roaming the castle. At night I like to go to the room of requirement. It's the only place where I know I'll have some privacy.

Theirs nowhere but a small broom cupboard. I quickly dart inside, making sure to shut the door quietly. "Nox" I whisper and stuff my wand in my pocket.

The footsteps get closer and the door flings open. It shuts quickly after someone comes in. "Lumos" I hear.

I squint as the light fills the room. a tall ginger stands before me. Both of us have a confused look. As I'm about to ask something he puts his hand over my mouth and says "Nox". Rude.

I hear more footsteps. Filch, I figure. After the footsteps are finally gone he removes his hand and I glare at him. light fills the room again "Sorry bout that, love. Filch was coming"

"Don't call me love. Who are you? And why are you out of bed?" I ask, crossing my arms.

He copies my pose "I could ask you the same question. Fred Weasley, the better looking Weasley twin." He holds his hand out to me. I look at it and don't move. "Ouch. If you must know me and Georgie were...decorating the great hall."

"Decorating?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Keep an eye out tomorrow." He winks and leaves the cupboard, leaving me in darkness again.

I made my way back to my dorm and instead of basically passing out like usual I'm up most of the night. Thinking about Fred. I've heard of the Weasley twins but our paths never crossed. Probably as I'm 2 years below them.

The next morning I'm grumpy when my dormmates wake me up but as soon as I'm in the great hall I can't be grumpy.

"Looks like they painted the hall red." I laugh at my own play on words. The Slytherin table wasn't happy as their banners were now glittery red. Plus the great hall walls were now bright red.

"Who did?" (Y/F/N) asks as we sit down.

I shake my head "Never mind."

They look at me sceptically "Okay." They said slowly. (Y/F/N) soon dropped it when Quidditch was brought up.

I glance over at the Gryffindor table and briefly make eye contact with a tall ginger who sends me a wink. I roll my eyes.

"You excited for the match today?" (Y/F/N) asks.

I shrug "I don't know if I'm going."

"Have you been to a single game this year?" Out team, chaser asks me. I shake my head "Come to one game. You'll love it."

Somehow (Y/F/N) managed to drag me to the Quidditch pitch. Today it was (Y/H) against Gryffindor.

The game was, like always, a little boring. But I did enjoy it a little. Mainly because of the crowd's enthusiasm rather than the tall ginger doing tricks on his broom before winking at me. I can already tell Fred Weasleys going to be a problem.

After the game, I get separated from (Y/F/N) in the crowd. Eventually, I make it out of the stands. Deciding to just go back to the castle rather than waiting for (Y/F/N) I start the trek back to Hogwarts.

"Wait up." I roll my eyes. Fred manages to catch up with me easily. "I never got your name last night."


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