James*Talk To Someone

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A/N: This was supposed to be a drabble....its 2278 words...whoops?

"No, you're wrong. You're just wrong," Sarah shook her head, about to blow up.

"It's not my fault your stupid," Tom shot back, "A goblin would totally beat a giant,"

"Nuh-uh," She said, checks red. I rolled my eyes. This fight had lasted since they got on the train. This was not how I imagined my first day of 5th year. For once I can't wait to get to history of magic, "A giant would just step on him,"

"But a goblin has magic!"

"Not when he's squished!" they both sighed. "What do you think?" they looked at me.

"I think... you're both idiots and that's a trap question,"

"Whatever, you're no help but..." I tuned out the fight. As they got back into the fight, we reached class.

We walked past everyone to join the end of the line though no one was desperate to get in. the marauders were at the end of the line. I'd never spoken to any of them, but people seemed to like them, so I didn't worry. As we stood there, the other two still fighting, I overheard sniggers. "Weirdo trio," one of them not so quietly whispered.

Okay, maybe not so nice. My friends didn't hear, and I didn't want to spoil the mood. Luckily, we got into class soon after and I was able to ignore their stares.

Unfortunately, the class was in rows of 2 seated desks. We were last in and there were 2 empty desks up the front. I took a seat and instantly put my bag on the other one. Tom looked at me, eyebrows raised, "Like hell am I literally being in the middle of it," He shrugged and took my seat, jumping back into it. As I looked at my friends fight, I understood why the boy said what he did even if I didn't agree.

Class drones on and on as it did last year, and I remembered why I hated this class. I liked history but Binn's droned on and on and on and on and yawn. I just began reading ahead, knowing he wouldn't care.

As I was reading about, ironically, giants, I felt something hit my head. I ignored it, thinking I was crazy, then I felt it again. I scratched the back of my head and I heard the familiar sniggering. I glanced over my shoulder to see the same 4 boys sitting a couple of rows back. 3 were laughing, 1 was daydreaming, and 1 held a straw in his hand. I couldn't help but make a face before turning back.

Luckily, they stopped after my reaction and moved on to others until they got to a Slytherin boy who caused a scene over the spitballs. History of magic finished but classes continued. Lunch rolled around then more classes then finally a break.

There was about an hour and a half between the last class and dinner. Unfortunately, I was in my last class without my friends, so I went back to my dorm to change. What also didn't help was that neither were in my house. Ugh. After getting changed I quickly left to go meet them.

Hogwarts is huge and hard to navigate at first, so we made a seventh-floor corridor next to a massive window our spot. Hardly any people came by here after class and there was a bench by the window. as I made my way there, I ignored all the people rushing past me to get to the courtyard which was apparently 'the spot' for our year to sit in. idiots.

After walking up the stairs, stopping to get my breath because screw stairs, I walked through the door and I thought I heard something. There were only two ways to go; at one end of the corridor, you turned left and got to my spot or turn right and go through a doorway here to get to another corridor which leads to the old run-down classrooms that we didn't use anymore. Hogwarts didn't have many doors separating corridors but they put one up here so they could put the 'out of use' sign up.

Harry Potter Imagines and PreferencesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ