Dating Harry would include...

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So much bloody sarcasm!

People being confused whether you hate each other because of all the sass

Harry spoiling you

"Harry, I already have a chocolate stash." "Yeah but now you have more."

"You realise I don't play Quidditch?" "Everybody needs a broom."

Harry coming to you when he's stressed

He'll just pace around the room and complain

Cuddling afterwards

Him loving to be the little spoon

Harry tries to figure out how to braid your hair

Him getting surprisingly good at it

Cheering him on at Quidditch

Him trying to do tricks to impress you

Him falling off his broom

You help nurse him back to health so he considered it a win-win

Being close with Ron

Then complaining about the boys with Hermione and Ginny

Harry being jealous

He never thought he deserved you so thought you'd leave him for someone better

Him being wrong

Forcing harry to do homework

"Being the chosen one won't get you O's. Besides, he always leaves it to the end of term so no excuses"

Going to Hogsmeade

Clingy Harry

Sirius loves you two

Always writing Harry over the summer

You travel to go on muggle days out with him during summer

You were worried about him constantly

"I was just reading!" "Remember when you read Tom's diary?"

Being close with Hagrid

At your wedding, you ride in on a thestral (Thanks to Hagrid), like a badass

Because of Harry learning to braid your hair he does it to your daughters too

He's better than you

Dating Harry would be crazy but you liked crazy and it was worth it.

Harry Potter Imagines and PreferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora