"Hey Min. We were kind of wondering if you knew anything about the Delta that we can use against them or anything like that." Violet says in a soft voice, Clementine watched as Violet took a seat on her bed and observed the interactions between them. How Minerva would smile on the sudden contact or how she would turn red and turn away. It almost made her want to leave again.

"Yeah, sure. What would you like to know?" She asked as she inched closer to the blonde. Becoming the last straw for the brunette. She made her way to the bed and sat down between the two girls. Facing Minerva and speaking.

"We need to know where they are, how many people and any flaws that we can use to our advantage." She tells her in a commanding voice.

"Oh, well I know there's not that many people on the force. Maybe around thirty to forty?"

"That a question, or a statement?" Clementine siphons.

"I don't exactly know where there at. I think it was some old boot camp site that was deserted or something." She tells her, avoiding the question at hand. Clementine taking note of the little she gathered.

"As for any flaws, I'm not so sure. They seem to be perfect." She stops for a moment to think. "Well, the commanding officers of the force were kind of rough with the clients, or should I say the slaves. We weren't exactly asking for the job, we were taken by brute force. If you could somehow reach one of the newer people, they can probably help you."

"Thanks. You helped a lot." Clementine said as she looked back towards the older man near the front of the room. Getting a quite satisfied expression from him. "Now all we need is a secure location and there overall defenses. Easy."

"They have a lot of security cameras." Minerva spoke out again. "And guards patrol around it a lot. But I think a clear spot with no guards would be on the far side of the east main hallway entrance."

"Okay, so you're certain that nobody watches over there?" David questions her, the redhead giving a questionable face.

"Its just an observation I've made when I was there. It's no certainty." She answers him.

"What does it matter anyway? If she says it's been clear when she's around it's worth a shot." Violet says as David stands attentively by the girls. Watching the blonde speak.

"I'm sorry Violet, but for all we know she could still be one of them." David says as Vi widens her eyes. She looks at Minnie for a reaction but there was none. She wasn't sure if the man can be right. But she had to trust her. It was the least she could do for her after what she had done.

"No, bullshit! She escaped from them. She's with us now and she's helping." She says, David's expression doesn't change and she looks at Louis for back up. Not that he would be able to talk but he stays silent and turns away for a moment. Violet then looks to Clementine. The brunette looks at the fiery green eyes that embarked in the blonde. But even she couldn't help the blonde to support Minnie.

Clementine didn't know Minerva well enough. But she does know that she was Delta. And from what The New Frontier have been telling her for the past days, noone escapes. Either "they die protecting the Delta" or they become part of the malicious group.

"Clem. Please, you have to believe me. Minnie isn't dangerous." Violet pleaded, making the brunette sigh heavily. She knew she might regret this but she couldn't say no to the cute puppy dog eyes the blonde gave her.

"Now look. If Vi says that Minnie's fine, then she's fine. If anything goes south, I promise you I'll deal with it personally." Clementine tells David, his stone cold killer look dissipated and he wore a more friendly face.

Forever and Always (violetine AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin