Chapter 6

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"You look beautiful

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"You look beautiful."

"You always say that."

"You always look beautiful."

Sahr laughed, the sound mingling with all the other noises in the restaurant.

"I'm serious." the man sitting across from her said.

"Uh huh. Sure you are." she replied.

He smiled at her and her heart fluttered. God she loved that smile.

He reached across the table and took her hand in his. "Sahr my love, I'm being serious. You always look beautiful, stunning, gorgeous-"

"Tariq! Stop it!" Sahr said, giggling.

"And that laugh-"


"Alright, alright, I'll stop." he said, grinning. "But I meant every word of it. You are the most stunning, sexy, intelligent-"

"Tariq!" Sahr said, blushing at his words. 

"I'm sorry," he said, laughing "but I couldn't resist. You're just so cute when you're flustered."

"And you're evil." she said, sticking her tongue out at him. "Don't you get tired of complimenting me all the time?"

"No." Tariq replied. "And how could I? How could anyone get tired of telling the truth?"

Sahr blushed again. "Tariq Irfan forget financial advising. You should be a poet instead."

Tariq chuckled. "Well with a muse like you...I might have to reconsider my career options."

Sahr smiled and glanced down at her hand, which was still in his. The diamond ring on her finger glinted and gleamed in the light.

"I can't wait to marry you." she said.

"Me either." he replied. "I can't wait. I can't wait to wake up next to you every morning. To be able to tell you how amazing you are. Every. Single. Day."

Sahr sighed. She couldn't believe how lucky she was. 

"I love you Tariq." she said.

"I love you too Sahr."


Zain took a sip of his scotch, savoring the taste. Sitting on the bar stool next to him his cousin watched intently.

"Enjoying your last night of freedom?" Danish asked teasingly.

"Oh shut up." Zain said, clearly miserable. 

Danish laughed, amused by his cousin's predicament. "Aw come on Zain. It can't be that bad."

"It is. It really is that bad." 

"What really?" Danish asked. "Come on. What're they making you do?"

"It's more like what I can't do." Zain said. "No drinking, no partying, and no more women. I am completely cut off." 


"Not funny Danish. I'm serious." Zain said, glaring at him.

"I am too." Danish replied. "I don't think you can do this."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence."

"No really. No offence Zain but I've known you your whole life. You're not really the responsible type." 

"I know." Zain said. "But baba wants me to do this. And I can't say no to baba."

"Wow. Uncle's really pushing for this huh?" Danish said.

"Yeah. And what's worse is he's straddled me with this PR chick. She's supposed to "fix my image". Cause lord knows the board will never vote me in the way I am now.She's got a laundry list of stuff we need to do. It was exhausting just listening to her talk about it. God I can't even imagine what its gonna be like when I have to do it all." 

"Huh." Danish said, staring off in the distance as he thought about something. "Is she hot?"

"What?" Zain asked.

"Is. She. Hot?"

"The PR chick? Yeah, I guess. But she's engaged."

"Pity." Danish said, smirking.

Zain laughed. "That's what I said."

"Did you hit on her?" 

"Hardly." Zain said. "She's not my type."

"Uh huh."

"No really. I mean yeah I hit on her, but it doesn't matter. She's not my type. She's so stiff and proper. Ugh.". He shuddered. "I don't think she knows how to have any fun. I pity her fiance."

Danish laughed. "Are you sure your dislike for her doesn't stem from the fact that she rejected you?"

"Rejected me?" Zain said. "I hit on her. A little. I didn't ask her out. So how could she have rejected me dumbass?"

"Well usually for you just hitting on them gets the job done. So if she didn't respond well then...she's rejecting you."

"Whatever." Zain said, finishing the last of his scotch. "Look I'm gonna have to deal with her and the rest of this for the next six months. Tonight's my last night to do whatever I want. So can we please talk about something else?"

"Sure." Danish replied, chuckling.

"Good." Zain said, signaling the bartender for another drink. "Let's have some fun."

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