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Blue and purple neon lights flashed across the walls as loud music pulsed throughout the room

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Blue and purple neon lights flashed across the walls as loud music pulsed throughout the room.

Sahr Youssef stood by the balcony railing next to the bar, a slight smile ghosting across her lips as she took in the scene below her. Party goers had swamped the dance floor, swaying and grinding to the beat. Clusters of people were gathered around the cocktail tables, which lined the perimeter of the room, sipping drinks. On the second floor where she stood, various groups had claimed the booths that dotted the walls, seeking momentary reprieve from the action below. When she looked up she could see the glass walls of the VIP room, people dancing and laughing. Someone caught her eye and waved frantically, telling her to join them. She smiled. She'd be up there soon, but first she wanted to savor the moment.

She closed her eyes, taking in a deep breathe, letting the sound and the lights wash over her. This. This was what she'd worked for. She took one more deep inhale before opening her eyes, and turned around.


Sahr had been expecting empty space. Instead she'd walked into some guy's solid chest.

"Woah my bad," the guy said "are you ok?" His speech was slightly slurred, and though Sahr normally wouldn't hesitate telling off a clumsy drunk, she wasn't going to tonight. No. She'd worked too hard over the last couple of months, meticulously planning the opening of this club. She'd dazzled the client. She wasn't going to blow it all up over one bump. She couldn't risk a potentially angry club patron.

So instead she plastered a smile on her face. "Yeah I'm ok," she said "it's no problem."

"Are you sure?" the guy asked. "You're kinda...tiny, and I'm kinda...huge."

Sahr bristled at his comment about her height. She was not tiny, she was petite. But she brushed it aside. "I'm fine, really.". She made a move to get past him, but he blocked her way.

"Hey, wait," he said, placing a hand on her shoulder "let me buy you a drink. You know, to say sorry for bumping into you."

If she hadn't been agitated by the placement of his hand, she might've been amused by his transparent way of hitting on her, but this guy was getting on her nerves. "I'm sorry," she said, smiling sickly sweet "but I don't drink."

He frowned. "Then what're you doing at a nightclub?" 

"I'm working.". 

She brushed his hand off and made another move to get past him.

"Wait," he grabbed her shoulder again "come on, one drink. I'm sure your boss won't mind." he said, winking.

Sahr just stared at him, confused. Was this guy for real? Did he actually think physically restraining and pestering her was gonna get her to say yes? Hell no.

"I'm sorry but," she pushed his arm away "I don't drink, and" holding her left hand up so that the lights glinted off of the gem on her ring finger "I'm engaged. So no, no drink." And with that she pushed his hand off her shoulder and stalked away. 

"Asshole." she muttered under her breathe.


Zain couldn't help but stare at her butt as she walked away. Damn what an ass, but man what a bitch. Getting so worked up over one drink. And who didn't come to a nightclub and didn't drink? Hell, who didn't drink?

Whatever. He swallowed the last of the champagne in his flute and signaled one of the waiters for another one. No, wait. He changed his mind and motioned for him to go away. Vodka, that's what he needed, and what miss tight ass/fine ass needed too, wherever she was.

He chuckled softly as he made his was over to the bar, remembering the way she'd shoved the ring in his face, telling him she was engaged. Poor guy he thought. Whoever's engaged to her, I hope the sex is worth it.

He sat down on one of the bar stools. "One shot of vodka please." he said. "Actually, make it two." Spotting a pretty blonde who'd just sat down two seats over, he grinned. Forget about miss tight ass he thought. There are plenty of other fine asses here tonight. 

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