Chapter 3

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Zain Hashemi was no stranger to awkward encounters

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Zain Hashemi was no stranger to awkward encounters. After years of sleeping around and hooking up with different women, he'd mastered the art of handling run ins with one night stands. But no amount of experience could've prepared him for this. 

Usually when women ran into him they did one of three things: flirt, giggle, or shyly turn away. But not this one. No, the woman in front of him was glaring.

Why is she so scary?  

Her face looked familiar. He squinted, trying to get a better look, and then he remembered.

It's the chick from the club!


Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn, Meghan Markle. These women were the epitome of grace. In her deepest moments of self indulgence Sahr liked to imagine she was worthy of being included on that list. This was not one of those moments.

No this was a moment where she stood there awkwardly, staring at the man in front of her. The expression on her face was a mixture of shock, mortification, and disgust.

Her brain wasn't faring any better either. It couldn't seem to decide what it wanted her to do.

It's the asshole from the club. Greet the client. It's the asshole from the club! GREET THE CLIENT!!!

Thankfully her rational side won out, and she had the good sense to unfreeze and extend her hand to greet him.

"Sahr Youssef." she said smiling.

"Zain Hashemi." he said shaking her hand. He seemed wary of her change in behavior. 

"Please, have a seat." She gestured to the spot beside his dad. "Would you like anything to drink?"

"Uh, no thanks." Zain said. "I'm not feeling well."

Yeah I bet  she thought, remembering he'd been drinking the night before. No doubt he'd helped himself to more than just a glass of champagne after she'd left.

"So," she said "your father and I were just talking. He said you needed my help?"

Zain turned to look at his father, as if to say "what is she talking about?"

The older Mr Hashemi cleared his throat. "Yes. Zain needs your help."

He hesitated for a moment, and then continued. "I run a very large, very successful business Miss Youssef. A business that many people would like to be a part of. I'm only fifty-five, but there  are already certain parties who are trying to convince my board of directors that I might be getting too old to be CEO. That it's time to bring in someone younger. I love my company, and" he turned to look at Zain "I love my family." 

He turned back to Sahr. "I came to this country, I started this company, for my family. I would like it to stay in my family. I would like Zain to run it someday."

Beside him Zain sat looking at his father in disbelief. Clearly this was the first time he was hearing about any of this. 

Aqeel continued. "I've tried to hold off for many months, but I'm afraid I can't push it any further. I wanted to give Zain more time but we need to act now. He needs to change his image." 

He leaned forward, a serious look on his face. "I have a very conservative board of directors. They will not accept his partying and his playboy image. He needs to show them that he can be responsible and respectable, and represent the company without making a mockery of its image. I need you to help my son show the board that he can be an effective CEO."

He looked at her with a pleading look in his eyes. Help me they seemed to say.

"Mr Hashemi," Sahr said "I'm flattered that you came to me. But I handle PR for celebrities and socialites. I've never worked with businessmen."

Aqeel smiled. "I've done my research Miss Youssef." he said. "You've handled some very messy clients. I think you're exactly what Zain needs."

"And what about what I think?" Zain asked, his voice angry. "What about what I want? Huh dad?"

"Zain." his father warned.

"No dont "Zain" me. You dragged me in here without telling me what any of this was about, except some cryptic bullshit about how she was going to "fix me", and then you drop this bomb on me, and now you expect me to just sit here and do what you say? No. I'm leaving."

"Zain," his father pleaded, trying to reason with him. But it was too late. He was gone.

Aqeel turned to Sahr, apologetic. "I'm so sorry you had to witness that Miss Youssef."

"It's ok." Sahr assured. "It seems like there's a lot you and your son need to discuss before we move forward. Perhaps you'd like to back after you've talked to him?"

Aqeel sighed. "If I thought that would work I would've tried it. I knew there was no way he would listen unless I surprised him. At least this way I managed to get him in the room." 

He put his head in his hands, looking exhausted. "I'm at my wits end with him. I don't know what to do. He's always been such a headstrong, stubborn boy. And now this mess with the board."

He looked at Sahr. "Please Miss Youssef, I'm asking you, please help him."

"Mr Hashemi," Sahr said "I understand your predicament, I do. But I can't-"

"Please," Aqeel begged "please."

Sahr sighed. "Why me?"

"Because you're good at handling messy clients. You say you've never worked with businessmen before. I think your experience with celebrities and socialites would be helpful. You'd bring a fresh, new perspective. You've got an MBA from Columbia, so it's not like it's completely new territory. And you're from Pakistan. You're Muslim. So am I, and so is the majority of the board. You understand the culture, the tradition. You'd be a huge help."

"You really have done your research." Sahr observed.

Aqeel smiled. "I didn't become this successful by not knowing who I'm working with Miss Youssef."

"And it doesn't hurt that we're from the same country. Practice the same religion." Sahr added, pointing out that particular part of his pitch.

"No, it doesn't." Aqeel affirmed. "You're a smart girl. You understand how we conduct business."

"Yes I do." 

Sahr leaned back in her seat, mulling over what he'd just said. Perhaps it was his earnestness, perhaps it was his candor, or perhaps it was the fact that she loved a challenge, but Sahr found herself wanting to help the man.

"Alright," she agreed "I'll help your son."

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