Chapter 23

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Aadhya's POV

"Cheese sandwich sounds good to me." Ishika said as I picked out some cheese from the refrigerator. She and I had hit the gym down the alley this morning.

It was quite hilarious when we heard how Veer searched each and every room of the mansion to see if I was locked in somewhere. Even Kabir had to stumble out of his bed for Veer's sake. When he found Ishika missing too, Veer sighed in relief knowing I was in good hands while Kabir started his freak show saying that I kidnapped his fiancée.

Like hell I would do that!

When I questioned him, why does he thinks so low about me? He replied, "just past experiences made me to come to this conclusion." Then he waved off, telling that his part of conversation is over. Ishika just shrugged rolling her eyes. He strode upstairs while not before giving Veer an apologetic smile.

Oh! I see where the past experiences comes from.

"Sorry for bringing it up."

When I turned to Veer, I knew from the look of his face that I wasn't going to get a real answer or explanation. As he started to say something, I cut him off.

"Don't lie. If you don't want to let me know the truth, that's okay. Just say 'sorry but not now' or 'sorry but I can't'. Don't lie." I warned without looking at him and that's it. From that time, I successfully avoided both of them and after they left, rushed down to have something as the growling of my stomach increased.

"You have a day off every alternate day?" I asked, cutting of the edges of the bread. She shook her head.

"I just don't have any work today. See, that hospital isn't any normal hospital where patients come and go. It was strictly a research lab until you came in. And yeah, your reports arrived today morning, you are recovering were well, I mean, the clot which was apparently small has somehow recuded in size. It is really a great thing. I guess I'll keep you under observation for few more weeks." She replied, placing the two glasses of pineapple juice for us on the counter.

"Why didn't you operate me at the same time, I mean why to wait so long?" I questioned in complete confusion.

"Honey, how can we do that with knowing in what condition your body is. Kabir is just a heart surgeon. While I'm just a neurologist. We can't mess up each others work since its too different." She said waving her hands in opposite sides.

"You are saying that I wasn't your patient but his?"

"I'm saying that there is no patient for us, just case studies. It is a research lab. Kabir performs surgeries all around our country and outside where ever he is called. While I sometimes assist my mother's students." She huffed as she finished.

"Oh" this was all I said before focusing on my work. Really, I understood nothing, but I didn't even wanted too for now. All I wanted to do was enjoy the cheese sandwich. That's when I remembered that I didn't notify Ishika with yesterday's letter or didn't even asked about her date.

"Hey, how was your date yesterday?" I was surprised to see her suddenly glowing, her cheeks red. Her lips were tightly sealed.

"Should I conclude that that's what happened what your redden cheeks are indicating?" I asked her teasingly while she tried you scare me with her glare but I could see a small smile around the corner of her lips as rubbed off the nutella on her bread.

"Nothing happened." She said in a loud yet weak voice. I laughed, "if you say so" letting her know that I wasn't convinced a bit.

"I'm serious." She pointed the knife at me, her eyes, glistening with humour. I stared at her and the knife in her hand then again her and again the knife. Suddenly, her eyes had a murderous reflection in them. I saw myself there, instead of Ishika. Deja vu. The slowly, my head started spinning. I felt myself backing, as her hand reached out for mine. But my legs never shifted, making me fall on my back.

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