Chapter 16

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Under the stars and moonlight, the two of us were kissing each other, not bothered about our surroundings. The kiss, was full of passion, promises and something more, and he'd expressed all his unsaid words to me through the kiss.

Still, my past self would've been in love with him, but I wasn't, yet. I had my own plans, of playing this mind game along with him. In that way I could have him being less guarded around me which will somehow be helpful for me. Another thing was that I could find out about my real feelings for him. Anyhow, I was going to unveil my true identity.

Veer was stunned by my sudden action. But he'd recovered from his shock the very next second and had started kissing me back. He wrapped his one arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him while his other hand was around my nape. It was like he was holding me like a fragile doll. My fingers had quickly gripped his hair as our tongues kept twirling around each other's. My own body cells were vibrating in excitement.

See, its just my infatuation for him, not love. I'm overly attracted to him just because he's drop dead handsome with those ocean like eyes and cute dimples, that's it. I told my subconscious mind.

Parting away, we joined their foreheads together, panting. It was very hard for us to steady our breath. The sound of our racing heartbeats were even audible over the sound of the crashing waves. Then, Veer snaked his other arm around my waist too, with a foolish grin pasted on his lips.

"Today's the happiest day of my life." He professed, kissing my forehead and pulling me into a warm embrace, making me frown.

I still had something to tell him, possibly a mixture of truth and lies to convince him that I was ready to at least believe whatever he was going to tell me about myself.

I pulled myself away from him and looked into his eyes.

"Veer, I'm not sure about my feelings for you but I know that it is much more than infatuation. I understand that you have your reasons for keeping secrets from me. But its really hard for me to take in all the things happening from the time I woke up for coma. And my weird dreams, I don't actually believe them still.." I brought an edgy tone in my voice, to make him believe that I was really too much distressed.

"Don't worry, Aadhya. Everything will be fine. Just don't leave me, ever." Veer assured me with a smile, but his last words made my eyebrows furrow.

"Why do you think I'll leave you?" I questioned, failing to suppress my curiosity in my voice.

His smile faded away the moment he heard my question. I saw few deep emotional quickly flash though his eyes and was puzzled by them.

"This us." Veer pointed at me first and then himself before continuing hesitantly. "Its a bad news, Aadhya."

What the hell?

What happened to his happy grinning self?

One of the emotions I saw in his eyes was fear, but the real question was, 'for what?'.

I doubted if he was still afraid that I might kill him if I recall everything. This could be the reason why he wasn't letting me remember anything, to save himself. But that Aadhya loved him so much, then why would she kill him?

Then I concluded something which made sadness seep into my heart.

Was I not worth him? Or was he ashamed to what I was?

Wait, why should I be sad knowing what he thinks about me?

Cutting of the trail of my thoughts, he shook me by my shoulders, making look at him with confused face. Veer sighed looking at me and then place his hand on my cheek.

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