Chapter 6

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Veer glanced at our interlinked fingers before looking forward at the gate.

"Our destination." He mumbled.

I watched his lips curl in upward direction and  followed his gaze. 'Welcome to our home' was written in glittery letters on a big board besides the gate. I knitted my eyebrows together. Home? Standing rooted at the same, i tried to peek inside, but saw nothing but than a big two storey house. Tugging his arm, I asked him where we were, but he didn't answer me. Instead he kept on walking towards the gate.

Without any other choice, I followed him in. As soon as I entered in, a sense of familiarity hit me. Home, my Home? I asked my own senses.

I kept on scanning the place, as I made my way in, to see if I could remember any bit thing or if I could get flashes, but only got disappointed when no flashes were seen. That was time I decided to just to roam around the place. Few yards away, I saw children's park. My eyes got stuck on the swing in that park, and unconsciously started striding towards it.

"Aadhya." Veer called me, bringing my to halt.

I turned back when he jogged towards me. He told that I needed to be somewhere else at this moment and without any warning, he pulled me with him and I let him.

We entered the two storey house in front of us. It looked old and rusty from outside, but with one glance, anyone can sense the homely feel it gave. We took a left and entered into a room which was more like an office. The walls were painted with in different high and low shades of lemon yellow and white curtains were hanging around. There was a table of teakwood in the center load with files over it and chair behind it. There were shelves filled with different books and stationary articles.

"This is your office." Veer informed me, with his hands in his pant pockets.

I had completely forgotten his presence around me since I was deeply engrossed in study the surrounding I was in. Then, my mind registered what he said.

My office? I used to work in this children's home?

I didn't reply anything. How could I? I do feel like I used to live here, even my sixth sense told me that. But this office didn't seems that familiar. And, as per my dreams, I was completely something else. Then, while slowly walking around the office, I noticed a golden name plate on the table hidden behind the heap on files. While Veer was telling me something about this place, I slowly sneaked back and pushed way the files to see the name.

Maya Shetty

This was all I could before all the files fell down. I immediately scouted down and started collecting them. Veer rushed beside me and kneeled to help me. But instead our heads collided.

"Ahh!" I winced, rubbing my forehead.

Before I could say anything, he leaned forward and deliberately hit my head with his head again. I pushed him away.

"Hey idiot, why did you hit me? First time it was an accident, why did you do it again?"

"Oh that, once, you only told me that, if we collided our heads once, then we have to hit like this again, otherwise we'd grow horns and you had implied that I won't look good with horns. I just followed what you said very before. I have to look good, right?"

Veer's words made be doubt if just like I'd lost my memories, did he loose his common sense? I mean, no businessman, or a very good businessman he portrayed himself to be, would be saying such meaningless words.

"And, where's the logic and common sense in this?" I asked and then ignored him.

I finished collecting everything before he could help. When I got up, he had a stunned expression, which he managed to cover up easily with a stoic look. But what caught my attention was the name plate which was gone.

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