Chapter 15

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I sat on that chair for endless hours, but alas, the book was over. I stared at the empty packets of chips lying besides my feet. While I was completely engrossed in reading, Ishika'd managed to go back inside the mansion and got some snacks, my lunch and medicine before informing me that she was leaving.

Also, I got know that she was a neurologist.

Picking up the wrappers, I tossed them in the trashcan and threw a glance at the book once again. It was a nice story, an outspoken and witty girl, dreaming for a prince charming, falls for a man, where, he is nowhere near to her imaginary prince charming. He himself was a lie, but, her attraction towards his impressive smirk helped him to sneak his way to her heart. He had wrapped around himself, the thick sheets of lies, which she'd determined to cut off. Her journey of wanting an ending with the true him was incredible.

All my way through the book, I was trying to relate it with mine and Veer's situation. I didn't wanted to trust him, but I did. No matter how much I planned to go against him, there was something holding me onto him.

I stretched my arms lazily as I saw the time. It was already evening four. Closing the library, I quickly crossed the silent path to the front porch. There were many last moment preparations, I noticed as I got in, which were left to be completed. People were working around in pin drop silence.

Then I saw, a woman, nearly in her early fifties, wearing a peach color long top and blue jeans, standing besides a decorator, instructing him. When she turned around, I immediately guessed that she was Ishika's mother. Their facial features were too much similar, just she had grey hair, slightly wrinkled cheeks and was looking more paler than Ishika, watching me with no nonsense look. But I couldn't say if that was her original skin tone or she turned pale. I gave her a polite smile and she did the same, before scrunching her eyebrows together.

"You look familiar." She muttered, as she walked in my direction with spectacle eyes. Before I could answer her, she cut off me.

"I'm sure that we have met before, but where?"

I didn't let a word slip out of my mouth, waiting for her to answer her own question. If she really knew me, than that would be a great help.

"She's Aadhya, Veer's fiancée."

I turned around hearing that strong voice again. Kabir. He rushed by us and gave us a very quick introduction of each other before asking me to get ready and her to go and help Ishika. I didn't knew that if he was doing it purposely since she said that we've met, or if Ishika really needed some help.

When I reached my room, I saw a gown, fortunately not an overly long one, already laid out on my bed, with matching accessories.

"Oh! So red the day's colour I guess."

I never understood their need of colour coding, though it seemed good. One touch of the cloth and I understood that of what good quality satin it was made of and how much expensive it was. This was really too much. Even if I was going to be Mehrotra family member, that too if I marry Veer, still spending this much amount of money only for one evening was a stupid thing.

I certainly pushed my idea of giving a lecture to Veer for not wasting money on unnecessary things and picked up the dress to get ready. And prepare myself for another evening of fake smiles.

Just for some days, cause after Erica gets the DNA reports, I'm hundred percent sure that I can find a way to help myself.

As I finished tucking my legs into the one inch heel sandals, the door opened in a slow motion, revealing the devilishly charming and handsome so called fiancé of mine. He gave me a million dollar smile as he made his way to me, displaying his cute dimples and reaching out for my hand. Seeing his smile, I somehow felt a pleasant feeling grow in my heart, which made my subconscious mind mumble, YOU ARE DONE FOR.

Loving The Liar Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora