
Wells was killed later that night by one of Astoria's people, who had managed to get away without a trace.

He was stabbed in the neck, similar to how Astoria had killed Atom the day before, with his fingers severed and missing. Astoria disappeared the morning she was told, spending a night in the woods by herself while debating if she wanted to return. When she eventually did it was two days later, and one of the teenagers had threatened to kill her when she showed up at the half built gate—they no doubt believed that it was her who killed Wells. It was Bellamy that told him to stand down, and after a long moment of silence passed between them he let her back in without a word of questioning.

Wells had been right, Jasper was up and about—though, no one could manage to get him to walk out of the camp. Astoria also noted how he wouldn't step a foot near her, but she didn't blame him. The others hated her because of what her people did to one of their own, but it was Jasper who actually was harmed by them.

Charlotte had stuck to Astoria like a shadow, though the young girl had seemingly lost her need to constantly speak. Astoria didn't mind, she preferred the quiet, and she wasn't in the mood to yell at a child to leave her be.

The young girl only left her when Murphy demanded that every teenager at camp aided in finishing the wall that would soon enclose them. Astoria had managed to get out of helping due to the fact that Murphy was still petrified of her, even if he pretended not to be. But she had taken him off his feet and nearly suffocated him all whilst she had her hands tied (Murphy told the story differently). He had no plans to give her any demands, and Bellamy didn't so much as look in her direction.

"Hey!" Astoria heard Murphy's voice from her spot by the dropship, sat atop a crate whilst eating a pear. She watched the boy move closer to another teenager—one who Astoria knew as Connor, a boy no older than sixteen who was just as scared of her as the rest of them were. "You think the grounders are just gonna sit around and wait for us to finish the wall?"

Astoria didn't show it on her face, but she wanted to roll her eyes at the boys antics. Instead, she took another bite off her pear, a tingle running up her spine as she got the sensation that someone was watching her.

When she trailed her eyes back to where Murphy had once been standing she was proven right; Bellamy stood with his arms crossed and his vision trained on her. He didn't look away when he was caught, and, to her dismay, Astoria couldn't figure out what he was thinking.

He finally broke eye contact when it was time to go and order Murphy to do something that Astoria didn't care to listen in to.

She finished her fruit just as commotion sounded from Murphy and Connor, Bellamy now no where in sight. Astoria got to her feet, quickly throwing the pear core to the dirt as she pushed through the crowd to reach the fight.

"I'm gonna kill you!" Connor yelled, now being held back by two other boys as Murphy only looked on with a smirk. Astoria could only guess what happened, but she knew that the comment wasn't coming without being warranted.

"You wanted a water break," Murphy spoke with a shrug.

Astoria moved closer, passing Connor and the teenagers who still had a hold on him. "Do we have a problem, Murphy?" she questioned, her voice quiet enough that only him and the boys behind her heard. She didn't need anyone else to hear.

Murphy was clearly torn between starting a fight that he knew he would lose and cowering down against the person that he still thought to be the enemy—but he didn't have much of a choice.

"No," he started, clearly filled with an anger that he was only just holding in. Astoria wondered where the anger came from, and who put it there. She almost felt sorry for the boy. "No, there's no problem."

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