18. Till my last breath

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"You know... for someone used to sneaking up one people, you sure don't know when it's happening to you." I jump at this as I did not realise someone had joined me in the trees.

"Jeremy! You scared the shit out of me." I state holding my hand over my heart. "I could've had a heart attack!" I state dramatically.

"Sorry to let you know, love..." He begins before leaning closer and whispering. "But you're already dead."

"Ha, good one." I chuckle at the British man before relaxing again and looking at the scene down on the ground.

"So how did it happen?" He questions making me look at him not really understanding what he is asking me. "You turning, sorry if I'm imposing but I'm bored and I always like a good story." He clarifies.

"That my friend... is a long and, well complicated story." I state.

"Long and complicated... do tell." He states shuffling so he's facing me and crossing his legs. The emphasise he's listening he leans forward leaning his head on his palm.

I smirk at him as I lean against the base of the tree. "Why don't I just show you?" I question with a smirk while holding out my hand for him to grab. At his hesitation my smirk grows mischievous. "Oh come on Jer. You wanted a story..." I tease wiggling my fingers as a challenge.

He narrows his eyes, not able to resist a challenge he takes my hand. "Look... if this gets to much... all you have to do is pull back your hand." I state as a warning to which he responds he understands before I begin the story from the moment I met Alice in the airport.

I go over everything, step by step. Carefully making sure that it doesn't get to much for him by reading his mind at the same time.

As everything is over we pull back my hand, letting it all fade away from him while looking down with a frown. "That is the story." I state silently.

"Well... it sure took you long enough to kiss the girl." He chuckles slightly still not fully wrapped his mind around what he just saw, but trying to lighten my mood.

I scoff. "You try dealing with a stubborn Bella." I counter getting a chuckle in return.

"I'm sorry." He states serious again making me look at how he sincere he is. "No one should go through that."

"Ah... well. No should go through anything but yet here we are." I sigh. "We've all been through something, we all died." I state looking at the group below. "Every event we go through, everything that happens to us shapes us to be someone. Good or bad, that's the only choice you have to make."

He looks at me with a smile. "Well if you look at it that way..." He states with a shrug. "If I have to choose to be good or bad... I'd rather be good." He sighs.

"Why do you say that like you don't have a choice in the matter?" I question frowning at him.

"I'm a vampire... we all are. The choice was taken from us a long time ago." He states gesturing to the group underneath us that are now looking up at us focusing on our conversation.

I sigh. "Being a vampire doesn't change the fact that you have a choice to be good or bad." I state. "The fact that you fear that you're bad only indicates you want to be good. I believe we all have a choice. Look at everyone around you... you're all here to defend a girl you never heard of until a few days ago. Ready to fight for it if it comes to it. That by definition makes you good."

"You sure about that?" Stephan questions with a smirk.

"Well all of us besides Dracula one and two." I joke making everyone chuckle.

Something new - twilight (A.C)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora