4. radiating power

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"La push?" I ask Charlie.

"Yeah you know with Billy Black." He states.

Who the hell is Billy Black? And why does he want me to go with him to this La push?

"Shape shifter wolves." The voice I keep hearing says. I ignore it not wanting to seem crazy.

"Okay fine I'll come." I say as he keeps looking at me expectantly.

He smiles brightly and turn around mentioning me to follow.

Charlie makes his way to the police cruiser. "Uh, uh. No way. We're taking my car." I say pulling him away from the cruiser and to my car.

He opens his mouth to protest, but decides not to when I give him my famous 'this or nothing' look.

When we arrive at La push I'm greeted by two slightly familiar people. A man in a wheelchair who I assume is Billy Black and a younger guy that looks like the old man, if I had to guess I'd say that's Billy's son.

"Hey Billy, Jacob" Charlie greats them as we approach.

Jacob? Sounds familiar. I dig trough my memory trying to find out where I know him from.

"You guys remember Vanessa right?" Charlie asks mentioning to me.

"Yeah." Jacob states. "You used to always destroy the sand pies me and Bella made." He says laughing slightly at the memory.

"Oh yeah, good times." I say with a playful evil grin at the memory.

The boys laugh. "You haven't changed a bit." Jacob says amused.

I smile at him and open my arms. "Common give it up." I say as I always used to when I wanted a hug.

He shakes his head laughing but hugs me anyway. "Long time no see, Hars." He states using his old nickname for me.

"You can say that again, doggey." I say doing the same. He cringed at his old nickname.

I look up at him. "Man you really shot in the air ey? I remember a time I was longer then you." I state laughing.

We begin walking around heading to the beach.

He laughs. "So what have you been up to?" He asks.

"Ah well you know graduated, went to Europe, cancelled the trip to come to the wedding. Now I guess stay here for a while and then we'll see." I say keeping it short.

"Right the wedding." He says his mood sinking dramatically.

I frown at him. "What's up with that?" I ask curious to why his mood sunk so suddenly.

"What's up with what?" He asks confused.

"Dude I mention the wedding and your mood drops to wayy down here." I say holding my hand on the ground to emphasize my words.

"It's nothing." He says trying to dismiss it.

"If it was nothing doggey, your mood would drop so low." I state.

"I just don't like that family." He confesses.

I frown confused. "They're sweet why wouldn't you like them?"

"It's a long story Hars." I frown at his words.

"Well doggey, I've got time." I say sitting down on a log at the beach.

"I don't want to talk about it Hars." He states.

"Well I think they're great. They saved me two days ago." I say hoping I can somehow get him to warm up to them.

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