12. it smells disgusting

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"Jump over?" I ask as we stand in front of a pretty wide river.

"Yep." Edward answers with a smirk. "Scared?"

"Me? Pfff... no." I deny.

"Oh, you are." Bella states laughing.

"I'm not scared, I'm just not that eager to be murdered by Al because I ruined her jeans by falling in water." I state shrugging.

"About that, why do I get a dress and you jeans and a shirt?" She questions frowning while examining my simple jeans and black shirt.

"Because she's not eager to be murdered by Nessa for putting her in a dress." Edward buts in.

"You're to soft for murder." I state laughing at my sister's face.

"Now are you two done stalling?" He questions raising an eyebrow.

"Sure." I state shrugging.

"Okay just follow my lead." He says stepping back a little before running and jumping, all the way over. He elegantly lands across.

"The youngest goes first." I rush out to Bella smirking.

She rolls her eyes stepping back further than Edward. As she takes the first step to run she rips her blue dress. I laugh when she makes two splits by her leg so she can move better.

Then she runs and jumps way to far into the trees.

I clear my mind getting ready to jump. I take little jumps before getting in a starting position. "Okay you've got this." I mutter to myself before taking off.

Just as I reach the edge of the river I jump with all my strength. I feel like I'm flying and see I'm going way to far. I see everything as I'm falling and manage to land without making even the slightest sound, and just for information I land on a bunch of dried leaves.

"Has she landed yet?" I hear Bella ask.

"I think so? I didn't hear anything." Comes Edwards answer.

I run in the direction of the voices. "That was awesome! Can we go again?" I state enthusiastically just as I'm behind them.

They turn wide eyed like I actually startled them. "What?" I ask confused.

"Can you not do that?!" Bella says sternly.

"Do what?" I question even more confused.

"Sneak up on us. How where you so silent? It's full of dead leaves here." Edward questions.

"I just ran here?" I state in a questioning tone.

"You just ran here?" Bella questions frowning.

"Yeah..." I say deadly serious.

"You are not just really quiet, you don't make a damn sound." Edward says smiling.

"That could be useful, pranking Em is gonna be awesome." I state smirking already forming plans.

"Okay now let's go on hunting." Edward suggest.

The burn in my throat makes itself known again urging me to follow Eddie as he runs.

After a while of running we stop at a peaceful place. "Okay what now?" Bella questions.

"Close your eyes and focus on your senses." He instructs mainly looking at Bella.

He blabs on about hearing, feeling and smelling, but I frone out the noise letting my senses guide me. I hear the rustling of the leave that are caused by the slightest wind, I feel the tiniest wind brush against my skin. I expand my senses slightly until I hear hooves stepping in the ground, I feel I too the slightest vibration in the ground caused by those hooves. I hear heavy heartbeats and smell the blood in pumps trough it's veins.

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