3. dono del blocco

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Rosalie pulls me all the way to the car ushering me in. Right after I enter she, Emmett and Jasper take place in the car too.

"How the hell are you guys her? What's going on? Why are your eyes black and not golden brown anymore?" I ramble out question scared and not knowing what's going on.

"We were at the movies and saw you get pulled in the alley." Emmett tries to explain.

"The cinema is on the other side of the freaking town." I say frantically. I suddenly feel a wave of calmness wash over me. "The hell?" I mutter in confusion.

I get no reaction. I turn to Rosalie who's driving. "Why did your eye colour change?" I ask trying to stay calm.

"It was dark you must have seen it wrong." She tries. She looks strait ahead trying to prevent me from seeing her eyes. This is how I know she's lying.

Knowing I won't get a strait answer I go to another question. "Who was that guy and why were his eyes red?"

They look at each other eventually settling on: "I don't know." I let out a frustrated grunt knowing their lying.

I look outside. "Hey where are we going?" I ask confused.

"We're bringing you home." Jasper says calmly.

"What about my car?" I ask.

"Look in the mirror." Emmett says a little amused. I do as he says and see my car right behind us.

"What? How?" I ask confused. I feel my pockets looking for my keys only to come up empty.

"Carlisle is driving. I swiped your keys." Rosalie explains. Wow that's the only real answer I got tonight.

I look out the window trying to temporarily distract myself.

As I get home and get my keys back from Carlisle I head strait in not saying anything.

I'm tempted to call Bella and demand to know what the hell is up with that family, but I don't wanting her to enjoy her honeymoon. Instead I head in her room starting up the old computer.

If there is something going on with the Cullen family she has to have found out. Right?

I crack her password in no time. For real sis? Edward? You couldn't find anything better?

I open her browser looking through her history. Knowing Bella she didn't erase it not knowing how to or just forgetting.

I look and the very first entry is the one I'm looking for. Apparently she looked up cold ones. I click it open and I immediately arrive at the last page she opened.

The word catches my eyes immediately: vampire.

I read through it and come up with a few things I witnessed myself. Cold skin? Check. Changing eye colour? Check. Don't eat? Now thinking about it they didn't eat breakfast or the wedding cake so: check. Strong? The red eyed dude was so lets say: check. Fast? They got to me and I never saw them near: check. Drink blood? Well that I do not know.

As I look further I get more checks the I don't knows so I'm gonna assume their vampires. Wait no what am I doing, that's fiction. There's no way.

I face palm at my stupidness, is that even a word? I'm just stressed about almost being attacked...

I think back to what the creepy guy said. 'I promised you I'd be back.' What does that mean? I've never seen the guy before today. He did seem familiar but I never met him. I think.

I walk back to my room and crawl in bed. Today has been a weird day. I think before falling asleep.

"Jayden DaRossa." I hear the name like it's whispered by the wind flowing through my bedroom window as I wake up.

Something new - twilight (A.C)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora