8. Aunty? For real?

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"Wow, hold on. Pregnant? How?" I ask confused in the chaos in the house as they prepare for Bella's arrival.

"Well when a guy and a girl..." Emmett begins.

"Seriously Emmett, I know how baby's are made. But Edward is technically dead. How can he get her pregnant?" I ask annoyed.

"We... don't know." Carlisle says hesitant.

"You don't know?" I ask frustrated.

"No this never happened before, or not to my knowledge." Carlisle explains.

"She gonna wan to keep the thing. You guys know that right?" I ask.

Everyone except Rosalie stops moving. "What?" Jasper questions.

"It's basic human instinct. A mother keeps her child safe no matter what happens." I explain.

"This is different, that foetus isn't human. Or not fully at least." Alice states.

"It won't matter. She won't care." I try to explain. "The thing is hers and Edwards, she won't give it up."

"Common we have to go to the airport. She will need you." Carlisle states beginning to walk to his car.

"Ride with me?" Alice asks.

"Of course."

The whole way to the airport I'm fidgeting, anxious because I know what my sister will do.

A wave calmness washes over me. I look behind me and send Jasper a grateful nod.

Alice takes my hand. "It'll be alright." She tries to reassure.

I say nothing because I don't know if it will. I squeeze her hand gently in response.

As the plane lands and Bella gets off I know what she will do. She runs straight to Rosalie, and from what I heard those two aren't the greatest friends.

"Iz?" I say to get her attention. "Please don't let me lose you?" I plea knowing it won't help.

"Nessa?" She asks confused.

"Iz please I can't lose you too." I plea referring to my birth parents. I step closer to her only to get hissed at by Rosalie.

I look up tears rolling freely down my cheeks. "Nes I can't give her up." She states telling me what I knew would come. It hits me like a brick, my heart chatters as I look in my sisters eyes.

Rosalie looks at my broken expression with sad eyes. She looks down ashamed, but that quickly turns to determination.

That's when I truly break. I turn and run back to Alice's car. As I sit down I begin to sob uncontrollably.

Through a blurry vision I see Alice and Rosalie arguing but I pay no attention to it.

The driver side's door opens and Jasper gets in. "She's gonna leave me Jazz, like my parents did. Like everyone eventually does." I sob.

He pulls me in an embrace. "We won't let her and we won't ever leave." He states truthfully as I burrow my head in his chest. "Something is blocking me from sending you a calm wave." He tells me confused.

"I think I just have to feel this Jazz. I have to feel it." I explain.

"Let's get you back home." He says as Alice enters the car.

"What am I gonna tell Charlie?" I ask.

"I meant back to our home V." He explains. "We already called Charlie saying you're going to stay a while longer." He adds.

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