"Eva. Stop talking."

Luis led me up the stairs and pushed me inside a small room,

"You would remain here until Carlos decide what to do with you-"

"Wait.." I yelled before he would slam the door, he sighs and waits for me to speak, "Please, I want to see my brother, help me find him."

"No." He answered,

"Please.." I begged,

"If you have an issue bring it up to Miles." He said lastly and slammed the door. I stood perfectly still in the center of the small room, I could hear a shuffling sound that indicated that the door was being locked.

I stared blankly at the door, wondering what I would do, I needed to know if everything Carlos said is true, could it be that Nate has been fooling me?



I lay staring up at the ceiling, while the doctor surveyed me like some new project, "With these new medications, you would be up in your feet in a few days. But it's no promise, anything can go wrong from this point." The doctor said honestly,

There was a knock on the door before Miles and Luis walked in,

"Any improvement." Miles asked,

"We've placed him on a new medication, hopefully, it would work."

"We need more than hope, Doc. There's not enough time."

"I'm a doctor, not a magician." He retorted, "I can only do my best. Do ensure he takes the medications, I would be taking my leave." He gathered his gadgets and left.

I let out a cough, and the boys hurried to my side.

"Don, are you feeling okay?" Luis chimed in,

"I'm fine." I replied, sitting up, "Any leads?" I asked Miles and he nodded,

"We found Antonio. Do we bring him to you or handle it?"

"Handle him." I said and he nodded,

"What about the girl? We can't keep her here forever, I advise we handle her like the last one, all these Americans are not to be trusted." As a Mafia boss, I'm assumed to get rid of anyone who eludes me and I do, but with Eva it's different.

"No one lays a finger on her." I made that point clear,

"You can't be thinking of letting her live."

"I say let her be." I snarled. "No one touches her and that includes you Miles, I would handle her when I dim fit, for now she remains under our protection."

"Why are we protecting her?"

"Grabriel and his men are sorting for her." Luis waved in.

"You are fucking whipped with this woman, Carlos. Do not let some English women blur your vision. There's a lot at stake right now and we have always made our decision on smart moves and not based on emotions-"

"That's enough." I growled. "You've forgotten who you are speaking to."

"Sorry, Don." he whispered, his teeth clenching.

Miles might be ferocious but he means well, he's my second in command and most trusted friend.

It's why I'm lenient with him?"

The men began discussing other prominent matters but I didn't give a damn, like every other day my mind averted to Eva.

A random girl I met on the streets and grew perceptions for. After Scarlet's betrayal, I struggled to trust any other woman or believe in their loyalty but for some reason, I assumed Eva would be different from the rest, she appeared naive and innocent-

Once the boys left the room, I reached for the tablet on my desk, I pulled up the security cameras and selected the small room Eva was staying in.

She was sitting on the floor with her knees to her chin, rocking back and forth, screaming as tears rolled down her face.

Shit! I left her alone in that small room forgetting she's schizophrenic,

I was moved to soothe her but stopped myself. I was angry with her, I had every right to be angry, raged in fact, the woman tried to kill me and yet I feel the need to comfort her.

"Cazzo!" I muttered under my breath, despising this feeling that overpasses the anguish I felt, the feeling of wanting to protect and be there for her after her betrayal.

I turned off the tab and laid back, staring up at the ceiling.

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