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No One's POV

When Yedam went to school the next day, Y/n was nowhere to be found like expected. His heart ache as he recalls the night before. He was greeted by Junkyu's bro hug and Sohee's loud voice.

"Why did Y/n have to leave? Why not you instead?"

"Yah! I'm your boyfriend!"

"I'll trade you for Y/n."


"Just kidding... If Y/n was here, she'd support me on this."

"If she was here, i'd mess her hair for doing so."

The two realised that their chatter migjt've hurt Yedam since Y/n was someone special to him. They look at him with concern in which he reply with a smile.

"Why are you guys looking at me? I have to go to my locker now."

"No... we thought you'd be more sadder than us- ow!"

Sohee shoves Junkyu with her elbow and place her hand on Yedam's shoulder. She gives him a thumbs up.

"Did you managed to tell her?"

"Tell her what?"

"That you like her."


Sohee hits Junkyu again. Yedam gave her a small smile and nods. She smiles and pats his back.

"Good job, God Yedam. She'll remember you as her first love."


When Yedam reached his locker, he opens it to find an envelope falling from it. It was a white envelope with the words, 'To: Yedamn' . The envelope seal with a cute rain cloud sticker. He opens the envelope.

He smiles at the letter she wrote by hand. He helds it tightly and starts to tear up.

3 years later~

Hey, Yedam.

I don't know what to say ahaha. I guess i wanna say thank you for everything? If i hadn't met you, i wouldn't have seen a colourful world. I wouldn't have met Junkyu and Sohee. I wouldn't have been so happy. I wouldn't have cried so much. Especially in front of you. Why you gotta make me cry man? Haha.

"Wow... look at all these people in this carnival, huh Yedam."

"Yeah i guess so."

"Brings back memories... You look so... dead."

"Cause i'm a third wheeler in between you and Sohee."

"Sorry not sorry~"

I still remember the night we met. The games we played during that night. How you tried a roller coaster for the first time. Just like the phone charm, you're the stars to my single moon. You bright up my life. That's why. I like you, Yedam.

"Y/n! I have to meet my boyfriend now. See you tomorrow!"

"Y/n? Did someone said Y/n?"

He rushes pass through the crowd and towards the voice that calls the familiar name. But... He lost the voice...


So when you see me again. Please. Please make me your girlfriend. Not your friend. Your girlfriend. During that time, you should be the one who ask, okay? That's why...

He turns around. There she was. She smiles a cheeky smile.

"Hello, stranger."

He smiles back at her and asks.

"Can you be my girlfriend?"

She nods as he pulls her into a hug.

"I missed you."

Hopefully, 'We'll meet again one day'.



I hope you guys enjoyed Strangers although it's quite a strange book haha

How was the experiance?

Thank you for reading this book, it means a lot to see people reading it. 💕💕💕

Goodbye and stan Treasure 13.

Stan talent, Stan God Yedam.

Stan talent, Stan God Yedam

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